Chapter 21

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Hi stars!!!!!! Soooo.... Crossmare is official! Whooo. I also dreamt of something last night annnnd it is about the ending of this story. Everything is all planned. Hehehe!

Cross POV

I felt warm. This is nice. I opened my eyes to see Nightmare sleeping. He is in his passive form. He is so handsome. He is so sweet. I snuggled closer his chest. I blushed at this. I can hear his soul beating.

"Good morning little fluff ball.~" he purred. I looked at him. He is smirking at me. He is hot when he do this. I blushed.

"Morning love." He blushed deep purple. Heh! My turn to smirk. He leaned close and kissed me.

I kissed back but it didn't last long. We pulled away quickly. He changed into his corrupted form. We got up and went to the throne room. He hugged me from behind and put me on his lap. I blushed as he Nuzzled my neck.
Few hours later the others came in, including Killer. She looked at us sad but smirked.

"Look at that the ship is sailing in the wide sea of love." Killer said as she winked playfully at me. I felt happy that we stopped fighting. She is supporting us now. She is so kind. I mouthed 'thank you' at Killer. She nodded her head. I noticed that Error is not here. Then a glitchy portal opened. It revealed Error with...... Ink and blueberry behind him. I stared at Ink emotionless. She stared back at me with sadness in her eyes.

"What are they doing here?" Dust asked.

"We made a truce. We will stop destroying AUs. We will discuss something important." Nightmare said. All of the evil sansses stared at Nightmare, even Cross.

"What are we gonna talk about?"
Horror asked.

"About...... Dream. He got crazy and we need you to be careful." Ink said.

"What does this have to do with us?" Swapfell said. I got off Nightmare's lap and stood bear him.

"It involves Cross's safety. Dream is planning something that is very harmful." Ink said. Blueberry nodded.

"He dissapeared few days later. But before he left, I heard him talking to himself at night. He repeated that sentence that Night.

'She will be mine.'" Blueberry said that gave me the chills.

They huddled all together except me and Ink. Even Nightmare joined them. She walked in front of me.

"Cross.....please forgive me from the lie before. Please..... I missed hanging out and talking with you." She said.

I sighed. "I'm sorry Ink........I still don't know the answer. That lie you did was awful. It shattered me so much. You were like a sister to me but you kept the truth. Give me some time to think about it........ But thanks for keeping me safe. I appreciate it." I said looking away. Her eyes filled with hope and regret. "I will do my best to make you forgive me." She said. I nodded sadly.


We then heard a loud crash coming from my room. I summoned my knife. We all run to my room. I opened the door to see...........

A frisk laying on the ground dead. It has many stabs and wounds. Its blood trailed on the wall there are words written on it.

'Just a warning Nightmare.

I will get her and she will be mine.



Only MINE.'

I almost teared up. I hugged Nightmare like my life depends on it.
Well it really does depends.He hugged back. I shivered. Chara appeared in his visible form and looked at me with worry and fear.

Stuck In The Middle (Finished)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang