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Chapter Two: The Light Side

This was much better.
He had room to move, room to do what he needed to do.
Which wasn't much anyway. Only a few little white lies here and there. 
Dorian sighed and stretched. He'd had a big day; Thomas was unbelievably anxious today. Which had led to a lot of lies to get out of things. And to be quite frank, he was worried about Virgil.
Although, as Virgil had told him, he'd lost his right to worry after the incident...
After that, he hadn't seen Virgil for years, and Virgil appeared to be much happier without him, so he didn't push it.
"Hey, Miss Lie-gon, it would be great if you got out of the way."
Dorian groaned and turned to Roman.
"I'm sorry, Sir. Let me endeavour to do that right away."
Roman scowled. "You don't have to be such a sarcastic asshole, you know."
"I didn't know that, but it's no fun doing it this way." Dorian grinned and winked at Roman.
And God did that make Roman mad. He took a step forward, eyes narrow. Dorian was going to say something... until he saw Virgil slip almost entirely undetected into his room.
Dorian ducked out as Roman went to speak, and he heard him start yelling at no one in frustration. He slipped into the shadows of Virgils room and hung in for a while, wishing to check up on him and leave.
He saw Virgil tense.
"Get out, Deceit."
Deceit slipped out of the shadows.
"Busted." He whispered to himself.
Virgil was staring at him. "Get out."
Deceit straightened his jacket and looked coolly back at Virgil.
"I did not merely wish to check up. Today was incredibly easy and I was not wondering as to why."
Virgil sighed and scowled.
"Sweet of you to worry, Dorian, but I'm not your problem anymore. Get out."
"As you wish." Dorian shrugged and ducked out.
He hated the look Virgil gave him when he saw him these days. What he hated more was the fact that it was entirely justified.
He'd hurt him, and that's all there was to it.
He hadn't meant to... but Dorian had been hurt as well.
On the upside... Virgil seemed to be warming up to him. He hadn't used his name since their fight, but he had today.
Maybe there was something to hope for with Virgil after all.

The Light Side was so spectacularly different from the Dark Side it was hard to believe they existed in the same realm.
Deceit's room hung half in each section.
One side of the room was awash in light and color, the yellow a stark contrast to the black of the Dark Side. The other side was cast in shadow no matter what time of day.
That side of the room was empty. Deceit hated that side so much he refused to go in it if he didn't have to.
He refused to accept he was still in any way a Dark Side.
He wouldn't be here if nothing had changed, right...?
The light side of the room had been decorated. He'd use some of his Deceit powers (he didn't know what else to call them) to make the room appear bigger so he could fit everything in, but that also made the Void on the other side seem more imposing.
Maybe he could set up a curtain. That would certainly stop him from accidentally wandering in when he moved over to far.
Dorian pushed the thought to the back of his mind and sat on his bed. That was not important.
He heard the hissing and smiled, holding out his arm. Out of nowhere, he felt a weight on his arm, and suddenly, sliding up his arm, was a large black snake.
She looked up at him, her glittering yellow eyes meeting his own.
"Hello, Illusion."
That sounded like the most cliche name he could have given her, but he hadn't. She'd given it to herself. Illusion hissed and slithered further up his arm.
Dorian loved her company.
Illusion appeared out of nowhere, out of thin air. She came in and out. But she was always there whenever he felt particularly lonely. He had a tank set up in the corner of the room for her to unwind when she stopped by, feed herself and sleep for a while, but he wasn't sure what sort of claim he had on her.
"What brings you here today, my friend?" He asked, twisting his arm slightly to accommodate her.
She lifted her head.
Dorian smiled. "Yes, friend."
Dorian nodded. "Always to you."
'Yes. Always to me.'
She stopped speaking for a while, which led Dorian to once again wonder how she spoke to him. The voice always seemed to echo in his head, and no one else heard it.
'Dark Side. Need you. Visit.'
Dorian sighed and looked at her. "I do not wish to go back there, Illusion. You know this."
'Need you. Pride. Cynicism.'
Dorian winced. "Do not use them against me. That is not fair."
'Planning. Need to stop them.'
Dorian paused. "What are they planning?"
'Don't know. Nothing good.'
Dorian bit his lip. "Think you could find out for me, Illusion?"
Illusion hissed.
With that, she disappeared.

Patton was in the kitchen when Deceit went out there, baking up a storm.
"Hi, Dee!"
Deceit inclined his head, then went over to the fridge.
"How are you feeling?"
Patton turned to him and smiled. "Well, that's fantastic."
Deceit sighed and stood. "I will be in my room tonight."
Patton glanced over at him.
"Okay. Why?"
"I wished you to worry about me, as if you wouldn't anyway."
Patton stopped what he was doing and turned to him with a frown.
"Of course I worry about you, kiddo."
Deceit blinked.
Patton smiled. "Where will you be?"
"I... will not be in the Dark Side. I have information that does not particularly worry me."
Patton brushed his hands against his front with a look of concern.
"Are you checking up on your brothers, kiddo?"
"They are not my brothers." He scowled. "They mean nothing to me anymore."
Patton took a step back. The room had dropped a few degrees in temperature with the sudden confession, and Patton looked dazed.
"I'm sorry... I know it's touchy, kiddo, but they need you still. They can't live on their own." Patton brushed a hand over his face.
"I'm not well aware of that fact, Patton, which is not why I'm going to see them."
Patton sighed.
"Okay. Take care."
Deceit nodded and went up to his room. He took a deep breath...
And took a step into the Dark Side.

Thanks for sticking it out guys! I have an actual upload schedule now, so hopefully I'll be able to get more out to you! This comes out every Friday, kiddos! Thanks for coming! Bye!

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