"I know...I just don't think I'm ready to make that choice, Harry." I sigh, running my hands through my hair. "I care about you and him equally, and I just don't know what to do right now."

"Right," he nods, but I can tell he is unsure what to do or say. "Have a good night, Arielle." I hadn't even realized we were in the driveway of my house, but I open the door without a word and exit slowly, careful not to trip in my heels. I resist the urge to lean over and kiss him as I wish him goodnight and close the door behind me. He stays in the driveway until I am safely in the house and I wave goodbye to him.

 Little did I know that he was about to leave me again.


He isn't at school on Monday, and I don't even know why I expected him to be, considering the fact that he is no longer even registered with the school. To my surprise, I find Marcel in the library when I go during lunch, reading none other than The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. His eyes are watery, but he hasn't started crying yet, which is best for him anyway, because if he was I would've taken a picture and teased him about it afterwards.

"Marcel?" I ask, and he looks up, quickly taking off his glasses and swiping at his eyes to destroy all evidence of tears ever being there. "What's up?"

"Nothing much, I just got into school after dropping Harry--" He cuts himself off, a guilty expression taking shape on his face.

"Dropping Harry where?" I ask.

"At...the airport." he sighs.

"He left again?" I whimper, feeling as if an entire chunk of my heart fell off.

"He, uh...He told me to give this to you." Marcel says, handing me a box. Wow, another package. How utterly creative of him.

 I take the package with teary eyes and walk to the back of the library, settling down in a corner that no one goes to and opening the package. The first thing that comes out of the box is a small velvet box, which I recognize as a jewelry box. I open it and cover my mouth in shock when I see the beautiful silver necklace with a charm in the shape of a heart. A + H forever is engraved on the back, and I immediately feel tears underneath my eyes as I clasp it around my neck. Then, another letter.

Arielle Jessica,

How deeply saddening it is to be writing yet another goodbye letter. This time I have left without a goodbye, but because I did not want to hurt you, although I have the suspicion that I will have hurt you even more by leaving this way. I have given this letter to Marcel in hopes that he will deliver it to you properly; if he doesn't, then remind me to deck him in the jaw next time I come back.

 I did deliver my promise; I came to your prom to make it special for you. I hope you liked the song, because I worked hard on it and I made the lads practice day and night to make it perfect for your little elf ears.

 I do still love you, but I am giving you the chance to choose between Mason and me; if you choose to be with Mason, I will respect your decision completely. Of course if you choose me, I'll be ecstatic, and I might just move back to Belgrade just to be with you.

 You and I will both be attending uni in less than a month. Perhaps our futures will collide; maybe we will attend the same college, if we are together. If we are not, we'll hope to see each other later in life.

 So, until you choose, goodbye.

 Now that I have made your prom special, I can answer texts and calls whenever you want to talk ((: remember, I'll always be there.

 I love you with all my heart.



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