It's Ours Tonight

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--Andy's POV--

The time to think back on all of our memories suddenly sprung on me while I was watching a movie. It seemed like I could just remember everything that had happened since we had become a band. The things that happened before Scarlette's arrival seemed so distant, yet so clear in my mind. There were nights where the 5 of us would just sit up on the roof with a pack of cigarettes and a bottle or two of CC's favorite, whiskey. The stars would be so bright, and there was so much to talk about. Our new songs were written while we sat up there. Songbooks, pens, and my brothers were all I needed to live happily.

I always got the most attention out of anyone in the band, except Ashley. He was on a girl streak when I met Scarlette. Once she and I got serious, it seemed to almost wreck our entire family. Nobody even had enough energy after fighting to come out of our rooms and apologize. The tour was nearly wrecked by some broken ribs, thrown alcohol, and pudding cups. The most I could say about this was that if it wasn't Scarlette's fault, it was mine.

It was always really important that I kept my band in my priorities. This was how I made money, and more importantly, it was how I kept my relationship with my brothers alive. Now, it was hard to get songs written, it was hard to get tours planned, and it was hard to even leave the house to see my bandmates. Everything typically relied on Scarlette's approval, and that pissed me off. I understand us, and I understand we might have a baby, but that doesn't mean I can't have my old life, right?

Suddenly feeling emotional, I grabbed Ashley, who was juggling rubber band balls, and hugged him. The balls came crashing to the floor, bouncing in opposite directions. Ashley pushed me away and looked at me. Tears slid down my face. I couldn't help it. I was losing my band over love. Then again, if I made more time for them, I'd lose my love over my music. "Andy, what's the matter?" Ashley asked, holding onto my shoulders.

"I can't focus. I can't LIVE. I miss being a good band, close, like family. It's almost like we're not a family anymore. I remember all the things we used to do, the music writing, the long, boys only tours... All that's gone thanks to my marriage. I feel like the only thing holding me back sometimes is her." I said, trying hard not to wake Scarlette up.

"Andy, I wish I'd known you'd felt that way." a girl's voice said behind me.

My jaw dropped. As I pulled out of Ashley's grip and turned around, Scarlette already half way out the door. At this point, tears streamed harder down my face. I threw myself face first into the plush carpet and sobbed. Ashley patted my back and called someone. "Yeah, uhm... We got a situation. It doesn't look good. Can you please check for her? Please. Andy's torn up..."

I wanted to die. How I could ruin my marriage in three seconds with those few words was beyond my knowledge. All I knew was that I was stupid. Stupidity was what ruined everything. I was too dumb to realize what I had just really done.

A/N: Hi you guys! I'm sorry it's taken so long, and I'm sorry the chapter is short. I'm nearly inspirationless for this story, and this was what I had on my computer. Here you go. I'm so sorry it's late, and short, etc. But this is all I can give you for now. Thanks for being patient, you guys. I love you<3

--Shadow Connors

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