3 Glitter is served(part 2)

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~Sorry for making this so long. Thanks for reading!! :D

Everybody is so hyped for the potluck. You got a small, tight circle of friends, and every single one of them is messaging you emojis and all caps every five minutes. You appreciate the enthusiasm, but you're a little busy. You stand in front of the boiling water with the penne tricolore. You're chuckling mischievously to yourself when you realize you forgot to ask Papyrus something. You ran, asked and then flew back to the pot just in time for it to boil over. Yay. you strain the water and check the sauce. It's looking good..! You almost forgot to add the secret ingredient. You add it with a small, slightly wicked smile. You dump it all in a bowl and mix. The garnish is put on and it looks brilliant.

Just then everybody starts piling in with all different types of pasta, cold and hot alike.Papyrus seems to be greeting some of your friends, along with introducing Undyne and Sans....who seems to be clinging to Papyrus's back sloth style. What dignity. You smirk at the antics of the brothers and look for your friends. You spot a flash of sunlight among the medley of comparatively muted colors and smile to yourself.

"Found my fellow enthusiast. Wonder what loot she has this time."

Alphys was known to love anime, but she actually just really dug a good series of adventure......Well, I guess all the stunning people and big boobs helped as well, but mainly the story line. She always had the latest in every subject, but quality fiction? She was your girl. She actually made a small fortune on rating books. You shimmied up to her.


"O-oh? Oh! Hey ___! Guess what I got this time?"

"Hmm...Historical fiction?"

"Sci-fi, actually. God it's really good too. The main character is soo cute! Oh, I forgot to ask you where you are on the last one?"

"Chapter fifteen, why-NO"



You glower at an extremely pleased Alphys for a few seconds before you both stop and realize at the same moment everyone is staring at the cause of ruckus. After a few, Undyne pipes up proudly,

"OOO, sick burn! That's my girl!

Gradually, everybody starts to resume what they were doing while Alphys and you hid by the drinks, crying internally. Except for Sans. He's just staring like he's trying to decide whether to laugh, cry or both at the same time.




Sans seems to have died of the hilarity. Both at you stare at the newly phased out of wall Napstablook. And then start apologizing profusely.

"D-Dap! I'm so sorry! I hope I didn't hurt your feelings to much? Oh hunny~"

"Are you ok? Man, I'm so sorry-"

"it's ok, it's ok. i'm sorry for scaring you guys...where is Grillby?"

Napstablook (or Dap, if you caught on), the pet of your little rag-tag team. He was so sweet and shy, and was always polite. He had music for everything, for everyone. No one has figured out his personal taste preference, though. Only Frisk and him know, and when ever any one asks Dap fades away and Frisk just giggles and not so subtly changes subject. Right now, he looks very embarrassed.

"i think i saw some fire over there, wanna see if Grillby's around?" (Dap)

"You betcha!" (Alphys)

"Sure." (You)

The trio make their way over to Grillby, but he's already chatting with someone. Goddammit Sans. They appear to notice your group after a minute.

"Ah? Hello Alphys, lovely party ___, and Dap, nice hat. How have you been?"

And your groups gentlemanly spokes person. Seriously, whenever you went out to eat, he ordered. Grillby was a quiet, clever man. He will always listen to both sides of the story, somehow being strategically gracious the entire time. On the plus side, he can prepare almost anything to sensory perfection, to the point of having it look like it was done by the gods of cooking. You and him talked about philosophy and psychology often. After a few minutes of chatting with Sans, he left to raid the kitchen of ketchup and tomato sauce.

Nice, you were free to do what your crowd always did. Napstablook manned the music, Alphys set up all the electronics and brought books, Rom-coms( dammit Alphys why) and some stuff for the kids to do, and Grillby acted as the bartender. You....kinda just sipped your drink. You had already done your thing, which was plan excessively and make sure everybody was having fun. So far, so good.


It was time to eat! You could barely  keep your laughter in as you and Papyrus proudly set your dish on the  table and  announced,

"Sparkle Tricolore!"

It was certainly quite a sight. The pasta was shiny, covered in glitter of every color. Everybody looked surprised and very nervous. Simultaneously everybody turned their heads to Sans, who is just staring at the two of you with the most confused look on his face. It was hilarious, and you almost lost of your composure. You both explained you had  both made the dish together, and that you were very proud of it. Everybody started to sit and pass food around. You took a little of everything  (except for the shiny dish), and when you were done with that plate, you asked  for the Sparkle Tricolore and heaped tons of it on your plate. And started eating. You commented to Papyrus how delicious it was while everybody looked on with the most dumbfounded  faces you had ever seen. Sans? He looked horrified, like literally scared for how long you would still be alive. You smiled widely, with glitter galore on your teeth.

"Hey, ___. Uh, I was just wondering , Ehm, do you have taste buds?" Frisk not so subtly asked.

" (snicker) Yeah. Hey, you want some? Papyrus did a killer job on the sauce."


Frisk looks very uncomfortable. Sans looks borderline terrified here, like he's witnessing a murder by poison. They go in to take a bite, all wrinkled nose and scrunched up eyebrows. They chew...and their eyes pop open. If they had a tail, it would be wagging. They go to heap more on their plate and call monster kid and  your little brother over to get some. They try it and suddenly they're asking you and Pap on if they can take home the left-overs. Everybody else is gaping. Then Grillby goes up and puts some on his plate. He takes a bite, and looks up and said,

"Papyrus, ___, encore. This is delicious. Toriel, would you like some? I recommend it,  phenomenal taste."

And then proceeds to walk over to the bar and continue eating. People start to try the sparkly dish, and enjoy it. Except Woshua. He's kinda having a panic attack. Sans hasn't tried it yet. You think he must have been to traumatized by past experimentation. Alphys runs over and starts to squeal over how good it was.

"EEEE, Ohmigosh, ___!! This is so good! It's absolutely delicious! What's your secret? Why am i not dying of craft glitter ye-...it's  not craft, is it?"

"Nope, I went out and got some of the tasteless type that they use on cakes and the like."

You and Alphys continue chatting while everybody is complimenting  Papyrus, who looks like he's riding on a rainbow. He's so happy, and everybody is in varying levels of contentment. You smile to yourself as you watch the spectacle, and hope that more moments like this come to pass.

~Did you like it? I hope so. If you spot a he or a she and the like, please tell me and I'll remove it right away! Thank you :D~

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