2 Glitter is served!

21 0 0

~The setting is where you've been staying at the skeleton bro's place for about a week. The monsters have been freed for about 2 years, in which Papyrus now has a different vocabulary. It's the surface. Btw, this is arguably a little bit Sans x reader, and when i say little, i mean little.  Enjoy! :D

Some light through the window hit your face, and you groaned and smacked at the curtains. You lay there for a few minutes, then started to shuffle around and eventually fall on the floor. Slowly getting up, you stumbled toward your phone charging on the far end of the room. You mumble something about addiction and panda-pop. The clock on your phone reads 6:21. After playing for a few minutes, you look up at the room- "WHAT THE FUCK WHERE AM -...oh. right."

You've done this for the past 5 days, and it was getting old.Forgetting where you were was no small thing, especially if you found yourself in a completely different surrounding than originally thought, but...still. These types of things are not appreciated. 

Sighing, you stumble out the door and then freeze at the top of the stairs.......fly back in to the room and practically slam the door. You forgot that for the  next few months you'll have to have a little more than your underwear and barely opaque t-shirt. Flushing at the near disaster, you blunder toward your half unpacked bag and start to pick through the mess. Little did you know,  the brothers actually did see you. I mean, come on, you stood there for like four minutes before you realized. Sans was half asleep on the couch when he spotted you on the balcony (inside) glaring at...something. He stared for a little bit, then fell back asleep. When he woke up later, he thought it was part of a slightly erotic dream (das it:). In Papyrus's case, he walked into the living room to wake you and Sans. He glanced up, did a double take, and momentarily became the sun. He immediately proceeded to run back to the kitchen, saving Sans an hour or two. Sadly, he was scarred from that moment on (he doesn't think you're ugly, he's just a little alarmed at "invading your privacy, however unintentional"). 

After shambling around for five minutes, you opened the door, looking adoorable in a over sized t-shirt, baseball cap and grey sweat pants. Shuffling down the stairs, you could see a humidity coming from the kitchen. You stroll in and settle yourself comfortably in the counter behind the oven (shaped kinda like a bar) and notice Papyrus looked a little stiffer than usual. You observe quietly for a moment, noting the ingredients, the defensive posture, and the...did...did he just put craft glitter into the noodles? Damn. it was looking good too.

"Good morning, Pa-"

"OH!? Oh. Hello, human ___! I have made my favorite dish! Would you like to try some? It is very good, I promise you...Even though I don't have taste buds right now, I can immediately tell that it is perfect, especially because of my awesome cooking prowess!"

"...Uh...That sounds like it would be interesting to try. Tell me, why is it your favorite dish?"

"Because!! It looks just like my personality! Brilliant and colorful, or so people tell me. My best friend would say "Fabulous". Great word for it. Like me!!"    (For all Papyton shippers, you could pretend that he's clueless about romance in general. :)

"Really? So what would you say is the best part of your personality?"

"Well ___, that is a hard question! I appreciate all of my virtues."

"So, maybe your appreciation is the best quality, seeing as it allows you to see the upsides of everything?"

"HUMAN!! That is very astute of you! Thought this seems to be a more challenging question than first considered. My soul trait is bravery, so maybe this means-"

And you continued to talk like that for a while, running off idea's and changing topic every 2 minutes because both of you have short attention spans. After an hour, Sans walked in and saw you two talking about what fantastical animal could be created out of pasta and magic. Very deep thoughts.

"Hey. What's up?"


"Oh? a penne for your thoughts?"

"WHY YE-no Sans. no puns it's WAY TO EARLY."

"You're fiorious, aren't you?"

"NO SANS, I'M NOT MAD!!! I-...(sigh) At least you're up. Could you go to the store and get some ingredients? I'm almost out."

" Sure bro-"

"Actually, I need some stuff. Mind if I take that shopping trip for you?" (you, if you hadn't noticed)


"Thank you so much ___! Here's the list."

"No problem. and if it means anything, I also think that Sans puns are fusilli. However, I can promise you that mine are just pici."

"......... Sans, you have corrupted ___. What do you have to say for yourself."

"I'm so proud. Maybe it will become a daily rotini?"


But you were already out the door. It was hard enough to not start bawling with laughter, much less not making another pun. All throughout the walk you kept mumbling food puns underneath you breath. When you got there, you got all the groceries on the list, and then got your secret prize.

"They're going to be so happy", you thought. "I can't wait to see the look on everybody's faces when they try it."

"When you got back, you plopped the stuff on the counter and checked the time. Nice, you had some time to rest and cook (:D) up a plan to get everybody together. You climbed back up to your room and napped a bit.


 When you got up again, it was 12:34. You thought for a bit, and came up with a plan. A few minutes later, you were talking with Papyrus about wanting to introduce your friends to his friends, but not having the budget to do so at the moment.

"Hmm, this is a puzzling question human....What about a potluck?"

"Papyrus, that's amazing! Should we pick a theme? What about...noodles? Pasta included, of course."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea! How about tomorrow, ___?"

"Great, lemme go send the invites and think of a dish."

" Ok!"

~This was getting a little long so  I cut it in half. Thanks for reading!! <3

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