I lean back into the cushions with a groan, "Of course, Mr.President."

He pinches the crease between his eyebrows, a seriousness in his voice. "Listen Castelle. I need you to trust no one except me. I'm the only one you report information to, and I'm the only one you answer to."

"I still don't see why you can't just kill this guy," I say, unhappy with the amount of effort I'm being asked to put into with this assignment. "I mean, what's so bad about anarchy, can't be much different from how we're living now. Not that you Rexs would know."

He pauses for a moment, letting my condescending words ring. His face twists into something displaying sadness, and for a second, I believe his remorse. "Let me ask you something, Cas. How long ago was Carpa Malum?"

"About 5 years," I tilt my head up to meet his eyes which are now watching me intently.

"How old was I five years ago?" he asks. If he's nineteen now, then five years ago would put him at the young age of fourteen.

"Fourteen," I respond. He nods signifying that I've given an acceptable answer, but I can't help but feel like I've just answered a different question as well.

"My father died after the bomb, which meant I had to take over when I was fourteen. Now, I understand how misshapen these streets are, but believe me when I say that I've grown equally disheveled." His voice cracks a bit, and from the way his eyes glaze over, I can tell just how much he's been blaming himself. "I'm sure all you see is my pampered lifestyle, but every death that happens outside of these walls kills a small part of me as well, every crime is committed by me, and every scream, every cry, and every plead for help still rings in my ears at night. Think what you want Ms.Berkeley, but don't assume to know that I don't."

I'm left speechless. I've never even thought about the fact that he took the position when he was still so young, I guess with that in consideration the added pressure for a teenager to run a country must have really taken a toll on him. Despite all of this, I can't help but ask one question.

"If you know all of this," I start, "then why haven't you done anything?"

* * *

I've never seen a grown man look so defeated, so mortified. It was kind of sad to see him in such a state. I understand that he tried his best, but clearly that wasn't enough. Clearly, he wasn't ready.

"I give up! I give up!" Aster squeals from under me. He was my partner for that day's sparring match. It was almost too easy to knock him down.

"All right, Berkeley, go easy on him," Jacoby says, yanking me off of the man twice my size. Aster's arm twists out of the unnatural position I put it in, and he eases to his feet.

Over the last few days, I feel like I've only worsened my reputation. People glare at me as I walk away, clearly frightened to some degree. I can't necessarily blame them, it's not like I make it easy for them to see me as anything but intimidating. Regardless, my behavior hasn't stopped Cynthia and Aster from trying to be friends with me.

"That was a good fight, Cas," Aster says, running up to me. Would've been better if you fought back.

"Yeah, sure," I half-heartedly reply, searching for someone in the sea of Navy blue skin suits. Sure enough, I see Silas and Kent along the wall with the other guards. I walk past Aster, not wanting to converse further, and make my way towards the two men.

"Silas," I call out, his head turning towards me as I walk. "I wanted to ask you a question."

"Shoot," he says, offering a quick glance towards Kent. They both seem curious as to what I could possibly want from them.

"Those people who were sent to that special program, do you know anything else about them?" I ask. If he knew that much, I'm interested to see what else he may unintentionally know.

"All I know is that they were the best of the best. Stronger, faster, and smarter than the rest of us. But if I remember correctly, their ranks were surprisingly low, just like yours. I believe there were two in our class who received special treatment." He searches the back of his mind trying to remember the names of his former classmates. "Charlie and Xander I think were their names."

"I thought Xander was sent home?" Kent cuts in.

"Maybe, I might just be remembering the details incorrectly."

"I don't get why he was sent home, that guy definitely beat my ass in the ring," Kent laughs, tousling his hair with his hand.

"If you want more information, your best bet would be asking Jacoby yourself," Silas says. Before our conversation could continue further, Cynthia calls for me from behind.

"Castelle!" she yells, Aster not far behind her. "Hey, it's been a quick minute since we've hung out, I was wondering if you'd wanna go out tonight. I know this fun little Tetra joint that apparently Aster's been to a few times as well."

She waits expectantly for my answer. It might be fun to revisit my home province, but I don't think we're allowed to leave the compound seeing as how we're criminals and all. Cynthia senses my reluctance, and turns her attention towards the two guards behind me. "I'm sure it'd be fine if these two came along right?"

Silas and Kent exchange a quick glance, a mischievous smile growing on the latter.

"We're in," Kent says before Silas gets the chance to retaliate. He sighs in defeat and tiredly agrees to Kent's decision.

"Great! We'll meet you guys at the main Alpha wing at seven, dress pretty!" Aster finishes. And with that, the two of them leave before I get a chance to refuse.

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