Chapter 12

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"So I just happen to have these supernatural powers, and I belong to this exclusive group of science experiments?" I ask, stitching up the pieces in my mind. It makes sense scientifically but I still can't help but wonder if I really am as extraordinary as these explanations make me out to seem.

"In simple terms," Doctor Grazinski nods his head wildly, bouncing his glasses on the bridge of his nose, visibly more excited than he should be.

"It sounds like I'm the main character of a poorly written science fiction novel," I laughed coldly but instead of appreciating my humor, Grazinski hurries over to the right end of the bed I'm sitting on, the end away from the headrest. "You sound very lugubrious, Ms. Berkeley," He says as he pulls out a small, rusty, silver key and jams it into a keyhole I can't see. With a turn, a control panel unfolds revealing an array of buttons and switches that I really want to play with. Almost as if he senses my desire to press buttons, he looks up and tells me with a stern expression, "Don't even think about it." I can't help but roll my eyes at his blatant, yet warranted, accusation.

"Lay down, head on the headrest," He commands. A reflection on his glasses shows him fervently pressing keys in a sequence my eyes can barely catch, each one lighting up in a bright glow with a light touch. I do as he says and swing my legs around so that I can no longer see what he's doing. "I'm just going to administer a bit of the drug from yesterday," He says, "Just to get another look at your ability. While I'm observing the external changes, this table will read any differences in vital signs. Meaning changes in your mental, and physical state that can't be observed from here." He straps down my arms and legs before I get a chance to object, the metal pressing a little too tight on my skin.

My muscles clench as I instinctively try to move from the restrictions to no avail. Grazinski picks up a needle and makes his way towards me, flicking the syringe twice with his gloved hand. Its contents are opaque and fuliginous. Before reaching the table, he waddles to the other side of the room to turn the lights up all the way, blinding me. I wince and turn my head away from the fluorescent bulbs hanging above me, the paper under my head cracking as I turn. The last thing I feel is the professor grabbing my right arm, a sharp sting as the needle goes in, and the serum it was filled with finding its way through my veins.

I'm taken back to that dreadful time in the Arctiviose, my breath is escaping me and it's becoming harder to breathe. I can feel the fluid from the injection weaving its way up my arm, the liquid sending a rush through me, adrenaline knocking any sense I had out of me. My hands clench as the dark indent deepens and the black smoke surrounds me once again. It leaks from the newly appeared mark and within seconds, is ignited with a simple snap. I let out a shallow groan from the piercing pain the releasing of mist is causing, and more so from the fire burning on my arm.

I feel the dark mark wrap around my arm, inching up to my elbow with what feels like pinpricks. The paper under me rises with the dark flames, the corners burning black with the fire. My hair wavers uncontrollably, pushing itself out and then back in my face, flowing with the heat. For what feels like forever all I could feel was the darkness around me and all I could hear were my teeth clenching and my blood boiling.

I wallow in my own heat for about two minutes before the chemicals start to recede and its effects lessen. The black smoke slowly makes its way back into the indent on my arm and the fire fades along with it. The shadowy glow of the room disappears, as does the fading mark, leaving only the small scar on my wrist. Laying still with my eyes closed, I could hear Professor Grazinski flip the switch to dim the lights, and make his way over to my table.

"Interesting," He says, unstrapping me from my restraints, "Very interesting indeed." When he finishes, I sit up and rub my wrists, a red band looming around them along with the lingering sensation of the cuffs.

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