Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Confession

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Amy- Ohhh noo...Not me...I love kids and all don't get me wrong but having yours for now is more then enough.

Jazmin- Aw...She'll grow up knowing how much you love her..

Amy- Of course she the way you still have the bracelet on her?

Jazmin- Um yeah I do...Why so much concern?

Amy- It's a unique bracelet I told you..

Jazmin- Yeah but what you haven't told me was where you bought it from..

Amy-'s a place over by.....Oh! look there's Jean and Miles!..

Jazmin- Hmm I don't see Ash?

Jean- Hey about time...I thought you girls might've back down from the trip..

Amy- No baby never!..Jaz was having trouble letting go of our precious Aquamarine..

Jean- By the way Ashanti called us..She said she was going to attend a job interview that is too important to miss..

Amy- I thought I would never see the day...Ash giving up a good time for a job?

Jazmin- Our girl is growing up..

Amy- *Laughs...I hope it's a good job!

Jazmin- Knowing her crazy ass...Let's just hope it's not a bar..

Miles- She sounded excited so I would pause that thought..*Laughs

Amy- Jean baby are you driving?

Jean- Yeah Miles and I are gonna take turns.

The entire car ride was enjoyable to all of us. With Jeans funny jokes and Miles crazy stories about how they met. Of course it didn't feel as fun without Ashanti being present. Still we tried to make the best of the three hour ride we had ahead of us. Flashes from my camera were going off instantly at every stop. All the mountains we were passing by were so majestic and grandly amazing. I couldn't wipe off the huge smile I had in my face. I felt like a puppy on it's first car ride. I was so lost on every scenery we passed by that I hadn't notice Miles was staring at me. I shyly smiled and broke away from his stare while he reached over and held my hand. It was an awkward feeling I was definitely not use too. Having his soft hand on mine was not provoking anything inside of me. So I discretely took my hand away from his to point out of the window. "Look we're finally here!!" It was truly an amazing sight to see. I was taken out of breath of how beautiful the place looked.

Amy- So watcha guys think

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Amy- So watcha guys think..Should we have the picnic here?...Or find a bench?..

Miles- Um..I was actually hoping to go out for a walk with Jazmin first...If it's okay with you guys..

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