Chapter 13 "Heartache"

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10 months later

I sat in my jeep in my back yard listening to drake album Nothing was the same "from time" and I constantly thought about dreka.  I puffed my 2nd blunt and leaned my seat back further.  He hit home when he said "now she's engaged to be married, what's the rush on committment?" 😑 damn I really felt that.

Dreka wasn't engaged though,  I was.  Brittney and I spent every other day together after my break up with dreka. I constantly reminded her I wasn't ready to love again. She never rushed me or made me move any faster to be with her. Hell some nights she listened to me vent and watch me not eat and cry about how hurt I was. That still didn't push her away though, she stuck around and talked me through the pain and wiped my tears. I was a mess. I still haven't talked to dreka at all. A month after that shit with Dominique,  she moved. I don't even know where she moved too, and the calls and texts stopped.  She didn't even try to come by to talk it out. and I really didn't give af... I think.. 🙄  The same time though,  I looked cross the street hoping she would somehow appear and all this shit would be a long bad ass nightmare.  But it wasn't,  it was my reality. The one girl I gave all my heart too, broke it. That's why I was skeptical at first. She made me feel like it would be ok to fall in love,  she also said she wouldn't hurt me. Damn. She lied. She never explained why she slept with Dominique that day. Honestly,  I never gave her a chance to explain.  I was still hurt. The woman looked me dead in my eyes and lied. I'll never hold that shit against brittany though. She's awesome.  She gave me time to get over dreka. Brittany and I still have deep conversations  every weekend to see how I feel about our engagement and relationship and to see if I needed any closure with dreka.  I really appreciated her for that. That is what made her worthy of becoming my wife. As time passed though, I think I do need closure from dreka. I have been avoiding her for too long.😑💔

I got out my jeep and went inside to see what brit was doing.

"Hey baby" brit said as I walked inside the room.

She stopped what she was doing to get up and kiss me.

"Hey bae" I said kissing her back and hugging her tight.

"Ou that feels good" she said laughing

I smiled.

Brit was the most understanding woman I've been with.  She's not jealous or petty. She just pretty and classy.  Also freaky. 💦🙌. A neat freak too. Like now, she was folding my clothes.  She came and got them every week and took them to a laundromat and came back and folded them. The Only time she fussed at me is when I leave my stuff on the floor sometimes.  It can be the smallest shit, she gotta tell me about myself.  I love it though.  That's my baby.

"What do you want to eat? You want to go out or do you want me to cook"? She asked

"Hm, I love for you to cook, but I think I want red lobster tonight" I said rolling another blunt.

She got back up and snatched it.

"Bae what!" I said looking crazy.

"You just smoked 2!" She said

She was right, I was smoking a lot.

"Alright, dang, I'm sorry" I said hugging her.

"I don't care about you smoking weed zen, but I swear every time I look around you're smoking.  And I look around a lot". She said smiling.

I laughed.

Then we kissed.

Well I'm about to go to the store and get some wine" I said.

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