Chapter 4

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"In," Mr Alexander said with a jerk of his head, holding the door open. I trudged in, jaw clenched, knowing full well of the deep shit I was in. "Now, would you care to explain to me exactly why you just talked back to Mrs Engles, swore at her repeatedly and stormed out of class?!"
I stared ahead avoiding eye contact, jaw still clenched.
"So you have absolutely nothing to say that may explain your behaviour?"
I let out a frustrated breath and muttered, "she was pissing me off."
"Jenny, language," he warned, "and how so? From what she's told me it was an unprovoked attack."
Clenching my fists, I let out another frustrated sigh, "she keeps asking me questions and I can't answer any of them and she just won't fucking stop."
"Again, language. What do you mean you can't answer any of them?"
I looked at the floor and let out a shaky breath. I didn't say anything.
"I can't read the words okay? I can't do the work she sets us so I don't know any of the answers. I can't even listen to what she says in class because her lessons are just so dull."
"Right.." He said, nodding whilst processing what I had just said. "How do you mean you can't read?"
"..I don't know, the words move and I can't - I don't know I just can't read them." I muttered.
"Okay, it sounds like you might have dyslexia but I can arrange a screening to diagnose this or find out whether it is due to anything else. Does that sound okay?"
I sighed, "yeah that's fine."
He studied me for a moment. "Why haven't you said anything sooner?"
Looking at the floor I said, "I mean it's not something I really want anyone to know if I'm honest."
"Okay, I understand that," he said softly. "I can arrange for you to be removed from mainstream lessons for a while to be tutored with Mr Hughes, the learning support mentor and he'll work with you in the meeting room next door. Does that sound like a plan?"
"Yeah that's okay."
"Good. Now, moving onto more serious matters - you know the rules, Jenny - I mean you've broken many of them, but still," he added. "Swearing at teachers and storming out of lesson is not tolerated. I will have to have a chat with David, but don't worry, I'll explain everything so he shouldn't be too hard on you. Anyway, from now until mid-afternoon you'll be working with Gordon in the kitchens assisting him. After that, you will be catching up on some of your school work in here, which I'll help you with, until you're introduced to Mr Hughes tomorrow. Okay?"
"...yeah." I muttered.
"Okay, now get out." He said jokingly.
"Oh, and another thing," he stopped me as I was opening the door, "I've increased the time of your cross-country run with me this evening. I think that will help you cool off a little."
I groaned, "are you serious?"

And another chapter completed! Thank you all for the support, don't forget to vote and comment any ideas you may have!

The Beckham Daughter Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt