Introduction: Hi Guys!

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Hi guys! ☺️
Welcome to my little story, I hope you'll find it as entertaining and interesting as I do! This isn't my first book, however it is the first that I fully intend to continue writing - others I have seemed to neglect and delete as I have found my ideas too basic and merely mediocre. However, I am almost certain that this won't happen this time as I am positively bursting with ideas at the moment!
Also, as I live in the U.K., I have recently finished my GCSEs so I have a long summer ahead! ☀️This means that I will be able to update regularly and I will be able to find the time that I need to dedicate to this story.
Feedback (both positive and negative) are appreciated, so please don't hesitate to drop me a comment or message. Likewise, if you have any ideas for chapters for me to write or details to add to enhance the story (these will be credited to you), I am more than happy to do so ☺️.
As you have clicked on this story, I assume you know all about the Beckham family... if not then I am very sorry, you might want to research a little first! Due to this, I plan not to write a description about each member of the family (apart from my main, fictional character - more details to follow!). However, it is highly likely that these details will be woven into the story to make it as life-like as possible.

❗️Warning❗️This story will contain bad language.

Happy reading!

The Beckham Daughter Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin