Chapter 3

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I twiddled my pen between my fingers in boredom as my English teacher droned on about language change over time. It was not fun.
"Jenny!" Mrs Engles snapped, her tone sharp.
"What?" I muttered, whilst attempting to tune back into the lesson.
"I said, what effect do you think this would have had on our language use today?" She was clearly getting frustrated - much more and there would virtually be steam pouring from her ears.
"I don't particularly know or give a flying fuck" I answered, bored to death of her incessant droning.
The class were equally shocked and amused, many were struggling to hold in their laughter. I must admit, she looked quite a sight, red face and quaking features. God she was mad. "Excuse me?"
"You heard, sweetheart, I don't really give a fuck what effect or whatever shit had on language. Besides, I could hardly keep my eyes open so if you don't want everyone falling asleep then fucking learn how to teach." Before she had a chance to process what I had growled, I grabbed my bag and exited the room with a slam of the door for good measure.
I began to make my way towards the games room to cool off, unfortunately for me, the headmaster was rounding the corner ahead. Fuck. Him and my dad are really good friends, they used to train together when they were younger, and now Mr Alexander doubles as a headmaster and a health and fitness instructor (aka PE).
"Jenny. Why are you out of lesson?" He asked sternly.
"I, um-" I was stopped short by the sound of the teacher walkie-talkie (every teacher has one on their possession) and I heard the unmistakable drone of Mrs Engles' voice come through, beginning to tell him what had happened. I went to rush past him but he quickly blocked me with his arm. "Stop right there, Jenny." He continued to listen to my English teacher's narration of events, glaring at me when he heard the language I'd been using. I was in deep shit. "Okay, thanks Miss I have her here now." He looked at me sternly, eyebrows raised, "my office. Now."

So sorry for the long delay guys, but thank you so much for the support!
The next chapter is well underway, see you soon! ☺️ x

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