"One, because we wearing Gucci, and two, Jungkook sweetheart stop embarrassing yourself and come to your senses that I'm stronger than you that my arm will forever stay glued on my noona." With that he wink causing Jungkook to push Taehyung as strong as humanly possible which he succeed causing Taehyung to fly and bump into a person.

"Jungkook!" Both Jimin and Hana said scolding the maknae who froze and felt bad for the curses that Taehyung will receive.

"O-oh I'm so s-sorry sir," Taehyung said as he bow twice but that didnt make the man any better as he gave death glares at Taehyung.

"Watch where you freaking going you piece of gay shit!" Said the man who spoke in English.

The boys may not be fluent at the native language, but they do try to educate themselves by learning and they understood everything.

The burst of the man caught the hyung line attention as they look back to see their other four members. They all looked at each others and decided to go and see the chaos that was slowly uprising.

"O-oh u-um, I'm so sorry–" Taehyung said in English bowing his head.

The man laugh out in disbelief, "damn speak it right you gay ass! You know what just shut up, just shut up because you're embarrassing yourself by speaking English ok."

Hana stick her tongue out in her cheek as she tried to not burst at the Korean-American man.

Jimin decided to jump in and help Taehyung, but was interrupted by the man who didn't let Jimin to speak.

"You don't even try! You know what I am embarrass by you all you know! Why do you have to exist, huh? Now everyone think I'm like you gay because these so called Korean group BTS are known all around America. All of you are disgrace of the Korean environment."

"And you," He said pointing at Jungkook who innocently didn't know why the man was pointing at him.

"Go back to the doctors and tell them to remove those so called abs you have, we all know you don't actually have them ok? Do you understand?" The man walked up closer, "Do youuu knoow whaat I'm talkiiing about. Read my mouth and tell me you do–"

"Listen up you piece of shit," Hana had enough as she took Jimin and Taehyung wrist pushing them behind her. RM eyes widen as he heard her curse which was a surprise since he never usually hears her say any sort of profanity.

She will only curse when someone pushes her limits to the extreme, and right now the man right in front of her was gonna taste his own medicine.

"I would watch what you're saying alright! I don't know where you got this irrelevant piece of shit, and have the audacity to yell at my members when one of them were trying to apologize. I would suggest you to dial your fücking ugly attitude because right now it's up here, bring it to where hell is, ok." She put on a fake smile as she gave him her angry eyes which could make anyone knees weaken.

The boys stepped back a bit as they felt something was going to go down. They don't usually see this side of Hana since she's always so sweet and calm, but knew that when she does get mad no one can stop her from fight. Her words, and they decided to never step over the line.

Even in interviews, they mention that the sweet and bubbly girl can also be this devil that no one wants, she is number one in BTS to not get mad, while Jimin is number two.

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐑; btsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ