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What makes me want to be a photographer? I love taking photos of nature. When you see something, it will never occur again in the exact same way. Like, one little thing would be off. Photographs lets you go back to that memory. Everyone loves memories whether they are good or bad.

"Alexandra, want to go to the party with me tonight?" Amelia asks me.

"I still have an essay to write, I can't." I say. I had two essays but I already finished one.

Why can't the professors give at least a two day deadline? Nobody can work when pressured. What else am I supposed to say for why I want to be a photographer?

I love seeing the beauty in nature. Everyone looks over the beauty, but I notice it.

I should have already been able to come up with reasons that makes me want to be a photographer.

When you capture an important moment, you can show all your friends and family.

Maybe I should go to the party. Just for a little while. Loosen up a little and then come back and work on my essay.

"Alright, I'm coming. But only for just an hour or so." I yell through the bathroom door.

"Awesome! Hurry and get dressed." Amelia says.

"Or, I can just wear what I am wearing now." I say.

The door swings open and Amelia comes out, wearing very revealing clothing.

"It is a party, you can't wear that." Sue says looking pointedly at me.

"Yes I can and I will." I say, giving her the same look she is giving me. We stare at each other like that for a minute then she finally gives up and throws her arms up in the air.

We walk to the place the party is being held at. This is a big house. We walk to the front door and it stands wide open, so we just walk in and find the drinks.

The music is so loud I can't even hear myself think. Well, it is a party. Supposed to let loose. A few beers then I'm off going back to the dorm.

"Alexandra. Hey." I hear someone say.

I turn toward the voice and see Mason standing in front of me now. No shirt on. He really looks good. He doesn't quite have abs, but doesn't have a beer gut or whatever you wanna call it.

"Hey." I answer. Chugging the last little bit of my beer. I have had about 5 beers now. I have a little buzz so I'm good and loosened.

"What are you doing here?" Mason asks.

"Just came to loosen up a bit, I'm about to head back to my essay." I answer.

"Let me walk you." Mason says.

I nod then we both head out the door walking back to the dorms. Now I can get my essay finished.

 Now I can get my essay finished

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Just a little update. Not the best, I know. Word count, 494.

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