↠ unfollowing spree

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may nineteenth, 2024

Hello, friends! I usually don't post these types of chapters, but I've seen a lot of people make little chapters like this when they go to clear up their following, so I decided to make one, as well!

I've been wanting to clear up my following again for a while now. The last time I did an unfollowing spree was a little over a year ago. I currently follow like, over 16K people, I think, which has accumulated to that amount over the last handful of years. I love to support all kinds of accounts that I'm interested in, along with people who deserve the support.

The main reason behind the unfollowing spree is that I want to clear up my following. Clear out the bots, spam, & dead accounts. Even with the last spree I had, I didn't go in-depth. I want to free up that space, so I can make room for others to support.

I also want to take an opportunity to clear up how many notifications I receive. It gets really hectic trying to find specific notifications or receive certain user's message board posts with so many.

Along with that, I would love for this to be an opportunity to connect with others, as well! A way to build new friendships & find new reads. If you'd like to be friends & connect, please feel free to comment here! I'd love to talk to & support all of you <3

I wanted to make a chapter to let those who read this book / get this book update in their feed know what's going on! I will be unfollowing accounts that are spam accounts, bots, or accounts that are no longer posting / dead. I will also be trying to filter out accounts that no longer hold an interest to me.

If you'd like me to continue to follow you, please interact with this chapter in some way! Comment here & let me know, or leave a message on my board! If we're friends on here, interact in some way, or are mutuals (I follow you & you follow me), then there's no need to wonder or worry! I won't be unfollowing you.

I hope this chapter finds everyone & that you all interact with it in some way! I'm starting the unfollowing spree today & will most likely carry it out through the rest of the week. I appreciate you all ❤️


𝐬𝐚𝐝 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬  ➙  𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘤.Where stories live. Discover now