Up and Down

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Yes! I do have lots of fake friends around me. I know we all do have and we always encounter fakes. I wasn't even destined to have so many friends.

And I don't need fake phony back stabbers in my life. Also, we have ups and downs. That's life. We can't avoid it and surely no one can. But we can keep smiling and try to make it better. If we choose so, we'll come out stronger.

Do not be ashamed of being who we are around someone. If they cannot accept you for the real you, then we shouldn't bother them at all.

At the very first place, if they say that they are a friend of yours but suddenly they left you alone hanging around then they were just another person in your life that came and went. Judgmental people make me so sick.

We have all made mistakes. And remember, no person has room to judge another people. Let God do that part.

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