12 years old

6 0 0

Once I hit age 12 I began to change in mood and actions I did a very wrong thing I wish I had never done I started to hang out with bad people text strangers and skip classes and at the same time I was depressed cause I felt my brother got all the love and he did everything so well they would only tell people that I'm a problem I got OSS for 3 days and ISS for 3 days plus another day which was not my fault at all cause the teacher told me the day before that I didn't have to come back but I was called a lier and that lady talked like if she was talking to a 20 year old woman which got me upset cause I'm a damn child and she doesn't know what I go through all the time of my life. I just let it slide and took that day cause anyways i didn't want to go to class anyways I was blamed for being in a fight I was never in which got me kicked out of chorus which I saw the teacher who told on me for no reason I was just washing my hands and leaving I feel like the teachers in that school are racist just cause I'm brown trust me all the teachers that were mean to me were white and my teacher for help would tell me I'm failing and I was getting good grades and she tried to leave me back in 6th grade which got proved after I left the school by the board of education she soon got fired and to never teach again thank god she's gone

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