1.57 | alone and broken.

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They were fighting it out Loud voices filled the house

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They were fighting it out
Loud voices filled the house

She was praying,
She was hoping
That she was waiting it out

They would yell
They would scream

Their voices were sharp
Cutting holes in her
protective barrier, losing hope.

They would throw,
Things would break

She stood alone
In the hollow corridors
Shattering her and the first thing they saw.

When did it end?
She was confused.
When did they lose the love?
She was scared.

Inside she was breaking
Screaming it all out
Wanting to escape

Why did it end?
She was tired.
Why did they lose the love?
She was losing.

But alas, no one heard
No one noticed her
As she stood alone in the building

No one listened to her voice
They forgot she existed
As they fought it out

She was like a ghost
A phantom
Walking around

No one thought
She was scared
When she walked into school

Each day
She began to grow quieter
As her thoughts and memories

Took over her mind and soul
Haunting her every thoughts,
Impossible to evade.

By this time,
She was faking it out
She knew that her dream
Of the perfect family

Was slipping away.
And what hurt was that
She couldn't do anything now

It was too late
Too quiet
To fix things up

All her battles
All her wars
She was losing them now

All the scars
All the bruises
They were proof of her pain.

Even though they stung
To touch and
Relive them.

She didn't care
Who was right
Who was wrong

She just wanted her home
She just wanted her life
She wanted everything back.

Left out in the cold
There's nothing left to hold
The pain and memories
Flooding her hollow mind

The tears
They weren't enough
To let out the sea inside
That had accumulated

They had forgotten her existence
She was still strong though
Holding onto a now impossible dream

The voices were still haunting her
Breaking her
Cutting her deeply

Why did it all fall?
Why did it crumble?
What has she done?

Even years later
After her mum, her dad
After they had died

She didn't understand
What went wrong.

Why she is still left in the dark
All the seems
They are ripping apart

She watches her memories
As she break again
And again


Even if it's a memory now
Even if it's in the past.

She doesn't know
What to think of this

The fault
The blame
The pain
It's all still there, years later.

She's here, alone
Sad and upset
Her nightmares
Haunting her to this very day

She visits the house
Every month
On the day they split

And she sleeps there
On that same night
Crying herself to sleep
Like she used to.

She could see
All her dreams
As they were
Burning it out.

She could see
All the keys
But then they
Snatched it away.

All the years
She waited it out
Hoping it would get better

But in the end

She was left to fend for herself.
Left in the world
Her parents failed to tell her about

And she slowly
Slipped away into the ashes.

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