0.34 | tough times

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For my friend peachyvee ♥️

She went through Tough timesEvery singleDamn day

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She went through
Tough times
Every single
Damn day

Yet something
Would always
Get in
Her way

She wrote
Deeply engraved
Poems to let it
All out

Yet others still
Found a way
To block
Her out

She forgets she
Has a crown
She forgets she
Has a choice

You are strong
In your own
Damn beautiful mind

Don't let anyone
Tell you

You have been
Through so much pain
Yet, you still want
To make others happy

You left and
Came back
Yet, it's just one
Problem on top of the other

Be brave
And never lose
Because God is
Surely by your side

If you know
in your heart
That you did the
Right thing;

Then all
Your worries and
Fear will be

Don't let
Anyone tell
You your

And go with
What your heart
And gut says
They're probably right

Yes you went through
Tough times
But you made it
Out alright

A few broken pieces
Here and there
But you are still
Brave enough
To face this world

You are brave
You are kind
No matter what they say
You are you.

Dear friends,
keep being strong, because I assure you, if you know that you didn't do this thing your dwelling on from the bottom of your heart, then your good. If you believe you didn't do that one thing everyone is penalising you for - your as good as gold. Keep God as your witness and just move on ~

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