0.75 | fakes

49 10 70

NB : Profanity used

Hurt and misguided
That's exactly
How I felt
When you stabbed me
Yet again; In the back

I thought you were
My friend
Not my biggest enemy

I don't understand
What you get
From all this useless animosity

Are you trying
To make friends
As you claim you always

Or are you
Trying to make
More enemies
Than you already have?

I know I'm not always nice
But everyone knows
My interest is not to hurt anyone
I don't do that you hoe

I was there for you
Especially when many
We're against you

Then you go and
Do this
Like it's just a "silly" joke
Well for the record I do pin it
Against you

Well listen up
I'm about to kick you
And don't worry I won't
Hurt your unoriginal

Fake as hell
Real as haven
Now get it through
Your head

Unlike you I got
And a rhythm to
Life's beat

Don't go talking
Shit about me right
Behind my back
And then denying
The facts like a stuck up brat

Maybe I do
Maybe I don't
But that doesn't concern you
But the lies
You told me do

You think I don't know
Well then clearly you got issues
You mother effing dit

I feel sorry for you
you clumsy little pawn

You chose the wrong person
To mess with their head
I'm not an airhead
With a vitamin D deficiency

I think your
Looking in a
Mirror that tells
Only truth

Don't worry
If you want to spread hate
And talk ish behind my back
Go ahead
be my guest
But remember,
Queue Up at the
"I don't give a fuck"
Line to get to
That desk

I'll burn your reputation
And I'll mess with your head
And I'll shame you so bad
That you'll wish that you were dead

You picked the wrong
Battle that
You just can't win

I know everything
That's going on
It's just another
Failed kill

Don't forget I'm
Not the loner
In this very

Cuz trust me
When I throw hate
I make sure
To add more shade
Than the willow
Tree growing
On your dead
Social grave

You and I both know
That I'll forgive you

But I'm not
Stupid enough
To forgot it,

I'm forgiving you
So that I
Can move on
Not the other way round

But other people have
They actually feel
More used

Someone people
Are naïve
And are more

You've got to understand
What you do
Is not right

This sick
And twisted
Mind game
It's just not
Freaking right
There's nothing more
To it

Just end this
Blasted scute
Cuz I'm sure
You don't wanna
Get nuked

By the girl
You took
For granted
And played with
Her heart

Even though
I may not show it
I'm not all happy

Even though
I may not show it
I've got feelings

Don't play
With my heart strings
It's just not

This poetic rant
Has gone on
For far
Too long

Just know
That I'll never
Bow down to
Your hate
Even if
You were
My best

I got a soul too
And maybe try consider
If I did this to you;
Would you cry,
Or laugh through the pain?

I don't think
You would
Like I do

I laugh
Though the bullshit
But I didn't see that
When hate
Was after you.

Yes karma is
A bitch
So be careful
When you tread

It'll come
For you next
Better not
Drop dead

I'm telling you
And I'm telling
You twice

You mess with me
And I'll break your
Head twice

I don't
Play around hun
I play fair
And nice

If that's all I need
To address
To make you

Please stay the
Fuck away from me
You stench of
Negative vibes

A/N ---
This poem is so true. So freaking true it hurts.
However- although this is such a true poem an I have felt this in my heart a lot- this was written when I was in huge ?!@&. But now I'm not. So I'm all good and well- don't worry about me 💕

Anyways, for y'all who made it up to here- thank you. Thank you for reading my poems. Thank you for not hating. And thank you for just being there and talking to me.

A lot of people that read this are my friends. I love each one of you because y'all are fookin unique 💕 stay blissful, ignore the hate, and stay awesome and truly blessed x

Y'all have always been there for me throughout this book and I'm honoured to call you all my friends seriously x. I seriously couldn't have gotten here without you! ILYASM !! 💕💕

~the one and only;
Queen of Unicorns ;
And Queen of Randomness ;
Lillian 💕

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