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Then you dropped to the floor and turned- you threw your hands down and all the guards and robots exploded- you made a barrier around you and your friends, so the pieces of robot could not hurt them, then you collapsed.

"Y/n!" Shiro yelled

Pidge ran you your side and checked your pulse

"She's still alive but we need to get her to a healing pod!" She announced

"That's impossible!" Allura said "that kind of magic by an alryan, without a staff or-or a wand should have killed her! I have only heard tales of alryans doing that kind is thing as a sacrifice when one of their own is threatened"

"Well I guess y/n likes you pidge" Shiro said with a laugh

"Did she just fly?" Lance asked

"Yup" shiro said

"Help me get her up and we can take her to a pod" pidge said

-time skip-
- the just put you in a pod-

Coran, matt and Hunk were now conscious and Keith was in a healing pod next to you

"Do you - do you really think y/n thinks of me as 'one of her own'?" Pidge asked shiro as they looked at you in the pod

" yeah pidge, I mean she treated me and matt like family in prison and I guess you are related to matt so.." shiro trailed off

"Pidge, let me explain" allura said as she lead you and shiro away from your pod and to the kitchen where everyone else (besides you and Keith) were sitting

(so now, allura, coran, matt, shiro, lance, Hunk, and pidge are there to clear up and confusion x)

"An alryan has magic flowing through them" allura started " but it is difficult to use without something to Channel the magic through"

"like a staff or a wand" coran said

"Yes and without it magic it very difficult to use, and something as simple as a defending spell can make and alryan pass out for a few days" allura continued

"Right but with a staff she can do it easily?" Pidge asked

"Well not easily- magic in any form is taxing to use, but it is a lot easier" coran answered

"Got it" Matt said

"But using too much magic or magic without something to channel the magic through can be so taxing to an alryan that they can go into a coma or well, or they could die" allura said

"So why didn't y/n?" Hunk asked

"Yeah and if it could kill her why did she use it for me?" Pidge added

"Well" allura said "when a member of an alryans family is in danger or an alryan feels they must protect the person in danger then can have a burst of power that enables them to protect that person, they can use spells they couldn't before, and become more powerful than thought possible"

"Cool!" Lance yelled

"As it is" allura continued " after a burst of power as big as the one y/n just did, it would have been a last resort- a sacrifice, I think y/n knew that the magic she would use to save you should have killed her, she was sacrificing herself in order to save you Pidge"

Pidge looked like she was trying to hold back tears

"Hey it's ok, y/n" Matt comforted

"Y/n is going to be ok, right?" Shiro asked

Allura looked remorseful " Well I- I can't be sure, a fire charm is some serious magic, and to do it without her staff is truly incredible"

"But, will- she will live?" Pidge asked looking up at allura

"I-I don't know- it's a miracle she is still alive now to be honest, but we must have hope" allura answered

"Pidge I know y/n and so does matt, I know her, she is a fighter even if she is a medic she is a fighter too and a good one -she will get through this, I promise"

-time skip a few days-

(Keith had woken up by the way xx)

Pidge was sitting in front of your pod working on some design for the green lion

"What's up Pidge?" Matt said as he walked in

"Nothing I'm just working on expanding the radar of the green lion" Pidge answered

"Cool, mind if I join you?" Matt asked

"Sure" pidge replied

They worked for a few hours

"Hey pidge?" Matt asked

"Hm?" Pidge replied not looking up from her work

"Hunk has made some really good cookies do you want to get some with me?"

"I can't matt, I have to stay here" she replied

"Pidge, I know you think y/n will wake up anytime and I know you want to be there when she does but I think she will be ok if  you leave for a few minutes" matt tried to persuade her

"Matt I can't" pidge said firmly

"Pidge, please, you haven't left this room in days!" Matt said

"But y/n could wake up any minute!"
Pidge argued

"Look pidge I know you really care about her and I know more than anyone what it's like when she sacrifices herself for you but please, you have to eat!" Matt argued back

Your pod opened and you tumbled out as they argued but they didn't notice Because they were arguing

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