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"That was amazing how did you do that?!" Shiro asked as you limped back to the waiting box

"My kind had magic in them" you said with a laugh

"Thank you- you didn't have to do that" Matt said as he walked feebly up to you

"It is no problem little one" you say through a forced smile as you try to hide the pain you were in "if it were you- you would probably be dead"

"What if you had died?!" He asked

"Well- I have killed countless beasts in that arena-hell I earned myself a name! Gasona- it means destroying witch in findean.Anyway, my time must come eventually, I know it will and I accept that" you say in a matter-of-fact tone

You coughed and winced moving your metal had to your wound also

"Hey you're hurt!" He yells as he notices you clutching your bloody side

"It's nothing I have had far worse" you say although you knew if you lost much more blood you were going to pass out

You stumble and Shiro catches you

"Woah there! Is there a medic here?" He says as you lean on him for support

"Yes but we can't go to him, you usually end up worse than you already were"

"L/N!" One of the Sergeants yelled as he walked up to you "what do you think you are doing?! Guard lead them back to their cells!"

You began to limp off with Shiro and Matt but the sergeant calls you back once more

"You are hurt! Guard take her to the medic!"

"No!" You yell panicked "I-i mean it's nothing- really, I'm fine!"

"I. Don't. Care!" The Sargent yelled

You screamed as you were hauled away, terrified of what that galra would do to you. Last time you went he sent you to the druids who took your arm!

-time skip-

You were thrown onto the floor of your cell, you screamed in pain- the medic had cut you open once more.

You tried to get up on your hands and knees but revived a sharp blow to the back of your head

"Stay down" the guard said, his voice laced with hatred

He left and locked to door with a bang

You raised your head slowly but everything was spinning

"Y/n!" A voice said

You felt a someone try to help you up and you groaned in pain

"It's okay let's get you to sit up ok?" Another voice said reassuringly

"P-please no more, no more" you said but in your weakened state it came out as more of a whisper. You fought to hold back tears- the pain was almost unbearable

"Shh shh you're ok shh" the first voice said

You strained your eyes to see who the voice belonged to

"Shiro?" You asked

"Yeah, can you sit up for me?" He said

You groaned as you tried to move but it was no use

"Do you want us to help?" The other voice asked and he tried to sit you up - you screamed in pain

"Sorry!"he yelled

"How about more slowly and we prop you up on the wall?" The other voice  spoke again

"M-Matt?" You asked

"That's me" he replied with a chuckle "now we're just going to move you to the wall ok?"

You nodded slightly

Shiro and Matt slowly dragged you to the wall and very carefully sat you up

"Thanks" You say

"It's the least we could do after you saved my life" Matt said

"Heh,"you chuckle "gee you humans are a funny bunch aren't  you?"

"How So?" Shiro asked

"You pack a bond fast" you said

They both laugh

"Says you! I knew you for like a few minutes and you put your own life in danger to save mine!"matt protested

You laugh once more then shiro's face becomes serious again

"What did they do to you?" He asked

"Don't worry I'm fine" you say not wanting to think about it

"Fine? Really?" He asks sceptically

You laugh but this causes your side to hurt more so you stop

"I will be fine, I don't really want to talk about it" you say

"Okay, how about you rest?" Matt says

"Mmhhh" you agree

You slip into unconsciousness

-while you sleep-

"I can't believe y/n would do that for me" Matt says to Shiro

"I know she is brave hmm?" He replied

"Shiro What if- what if we die in here?" Matt asked

"No we won't matt, ok? We are going to get out, I know it!" Shiro comforted

"But you saw how powerful y/n is! How long do you think she has stayed here" matt retorted

"Matt we are going to be fine ok? We will get back to Earth, you will see your family again" Shiro said

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