17.furthest (away)

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If there ever were an award for colossally screwing up, Luke thinks he'd earn it by now.

A day had passed since his and Aries' fight and he keeps replaying where he went wrong, what he said, and what he should have said instead to prevent the whole situation. All-in-all Luke keeps coming to the conclusion that maybe this was an inevitable situation that couldn’t be avoided no matter how many secrets he kept, or how many he told.

He sees her a few times in the hallways. Though he never has the guts to approach her (he’s also 100 percent sure she’d beat him up if they ran into eachother). So he keeps his head down making sure to avoid anywhere he’s sure Aries will be. Though that doesn’t stop him from sending her quirky text messages every once and a while, hoping (really hoping) that maybe he’ll make her laugh – and she’ll reply.

He’s still waiting.

✦  ✧  ✦  ✧

Luke doesn’t mind being alone – or at least he hadn’t minded, up until he actually had friends and people he could rely on and tell the occasional (good) joke to. Now he’s back to old Luke. Boring Luke, Luke that hasn’t been in detention for more than four weeks. (Honestly he thinks, who misses getting detentions?)

After the fallout, as he so kindly refers to it as, Luke keeps his distance from anywhere that he and Aries had gone before. He knows it’s ridiculous, and he knows there’s a zero percent chance he’d even run into her, but he does it anyways. Memories and those similar momentous keep him from returning, also he feels dumb when he shows up at the ice cream parlor to order an ice cream for one.

Luke doesn’t even write songs on his roof as often as he used to, he doesn’t feel the same spark of inspiration as he had. And even when he does the lyrics end up angry and off track from what he was writing before. It’s a small rut in his path, but he can’t seem to get out of it, and sometimes he wonders if he even wants to move on.

✦  ✧  ✦  ✧

Tuesdays are the worst because they’re the days Luke had spent with Calum completing a list of movies he kept tacked up on his wall (it’s next to his Blink 182 poster that his neighbor had gotten signed – apparently he didn’t like the band and Luke was eager to accept the gift). There are a variety of movies from genres Luke didn’t even knew existed, along with the more popular movies he’s sure he’s the only one who hasn’t seen yet.

He stares at it, keeping his guitar next to him on his duvet. The scribbled out names, and newly scribbled in names taunting him – but it doesn’t feel right for him to continue on in the movie watching. After all he and Calum had watched (and cried through romantic comedies that they won’t admit to) countless movies, and he just can’t mark the next movie off the list – let alone watch it.

He sighs dramatically to himself, and continues to stare at his phone. Quickly changing the current song playing on shuffle to a different one. He’s surprised to say the least when his phone buzzes in his hand. It startles him into squeaking and almost dropping the small device. His heart twinges with hope before it’s dwindled away when he sees an unknown number popping up on the screen.

From Unknown Number: Hey what’s up?

He stares at the number for a while, trying his best to figure out who the hell would be texting him at such a late hour.

To Unknown Number: Who is this?

There’s a long period of Luke staring in anticipation at his phone. Nothing alerts him to the newest text so he figures it was a wrong number. He falls asleep with the phone still clutched in his hand, and his list of movies gone untouched.

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