Part 3

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I saw her. She's standing this time.

I saw her face... she's sad.

It makes me sad too so I came close to her.

"Now that you know, you're going to ignore me." she's looking down.

So its true?

I just couldn't accept it.

I hug her immediately.

I was startled. I felt her body. Not cold. Not warm. I just felt her body.

"He's lying... If you were a ghost then why can I see you?! why can I hear you?! why can I touch you?!" I couldn't accept it that I shouted.

She hug me back.

"But I really am dead. I knew it. They just dont understand that its not that, that I can't go rest..."

As I look infront I saw through the glass of the registar's office my reflection.

Yeah, only my reflection.

"But, you're here..." a tear drop on my eye.

She push me gently to let go of her.

"You know, I was really happy being with you all this time. I've never been happy like this even when I was alive, that's why you dont have to cry Pierre." she was smiling.

"I love you!" I confess starring at her.

I saw she was startled.

Startled that a tear run down from her eyes.

I hold her hand.

"I love you." I repeated.

"Thank you." she cry in tears of joy.

"All I wanted is just a friend to talk with, laugh with, cry with, fight with, but knowing that I was loved... Thank you." she's smiling happily that it worries me.

"If you're really thankful, don't disappear." I command her.

I know it was a very selfish request and I'm being selfish not considering her side but even so...  I don't want her to disappear.

She didn't say a thing.

I knew it. She will disappear after this.

"Dont disappear!" I insisted leaning my head on her shoulder.

She didn't say a word. She just watch me cry as I hold her hands tighter.

The sun is already setting.

We were seating in the corner where she always sits.

"You should go home already." she said.

"No. If I go home, I might not see you tomorrow anymore."

"Once I rest, I'll be reincarnated then we'll be able to meet again."

"That's a lie." I look on to her.

"I also love you." I hear her confess as a tear fell from her.

"I wish I had met you when I was alive. I shouldn't have hurried."

"But its alright. Cause we still meet. I'm happy."

The sun already sets. It's night already and its getting cold.

"You can sleep now." she said.

"No. if I sleep, I might not see you again..." I refused.

But after some time, I was really sleepy that I fell on her shoulder.

She touch his hair one last time.

"Farewell then."

As the sunrise and the morning breeze wake me up; I slowly opened my eyes. There is no one beside me.

I look around. There's no one here other than me.

It makes me sad that I look up at the sky.

I wonder if she's happy now or sad too...

Four years past. It's my graduation day.

In the end I realized that I was not really sad, I was happy that I met her and fall in love with her.

I separate myself from the other graduates and passed by the courtyard.

As I was passing by, at the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow of a girl seating in the corner.

I look again. Its not.

There's a little girl standing on that same corner.

I came closer to approach her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. No reply.

Am I seeing another ghost?

I look at the glass of the registar's to see my reflection... and hers. She's not a ghost.

"Your name?" I asked again. Still I heard no response.

She's just looking down holding her teddy bear. I bet she's just four years old. That's why...

I turned back to leave but she pulled the end of my shirt to stop me.

I was startled to feel nostalgic that I turned to her.

"I-I'm missing." I heard her cute little voice.

I'll be reincarnated then we'll be able to meet again.

Those words resounded in my ear.

I offer her a hand.

"Come, I'll take you to your parents."

She take my hand and we walk together.

If reincarnation is real, then I think I'll be watching this little creature from now on.

Cause after all, I saw this little girl... in the corner.

                             --The End--


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God Bless! C:

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