Part 2

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I don't have plans on approaching her but...


I almost stumbled stepping up on a can that rolled infront of me.

I look where the can came from, I saw a girl in the corner.

I was on my way out of the courtyard though...


"What do you think you're doing?" I asked a little tough on my voice.

She just starred at me.

"Not gonna say sorry?" I asked as I went close to  her: bowing down a little to her who is sitting on the ground.

"ah-well, you should've seen that." I heard her.

"Ha? So it was my fault?" Well, I'm the sort of guy you might called ill-tempered.

"Well-sorry about that!" she shouted.

I'm angry but I dont want to argue anymore with this girl.

I turned around to go but she stop me pulling out the end of my shirt.

I turned to her.


"Y-your name?" she asked looking a little flustered.

"a-well if you don't want to answer its okay but-uhmm..." her voice shaking.

"Pierre Cualaqian." I replied making her let go of my shirt.

I go home afterwards.


After that day, the girl always calls me whenever she sees me.

She greet me 'good morning' when I go in the morning and tell me 'take care' as I go home.

I ignore her all the time though.


But it seems like she's always alone.

Everyone ignores her so I decided to approach her and tagged along with her. She knows me already after all.


Tell you what? She's a talk! She got a lot of things to tell me from important things to useless even though I don't talk much and only listen to her.


She had a lot of things to tell and talked about but she never gave information about herself. Although she gave me her name, Alison.

Sometimes we fight cause of my temper and other trivial matters but she always apologize to make us up. Though I think I should be the one apologizing.


Days and months passed by, I didn't notice I became her friend and eventually fell for her.


Everythings going smooth with me one-sided in love.

But people get into me.

I noticed they started ignoring me.

Less and less people are talking to me.

Until no one does.

Even the teachers wont talk to me.


One nice sunny day, the officer in charge on the courtyard approached me.

He said, "You approached the girl that's why everyone's ignoring you."


That made me angry.


"Why are you telling students to ignore her? She's lonely... do you have any grudge on her?!" I asked with a high voice.


"No. I'm actually helping her."

"Helping her what?"




"Go to heaven!"

That surprised  me. What did he just said?

Heaven? Why...


"Cause its been a year since she die. I guess she wasn't aware that she's already dead so, by everyone ignoring her, she might get a hint." he explained.


I felt numb.

All this time, I was talking with a ghost? Is that what he's implying?


I immediately run as fast as I can to reach the courtyard.


I saw her. She's standing this time. I saw her face... she's sad.

It makes me sad too so I came close to her.



Please leave a comment and dont mind correcting me if you see errors. It will be gladly appreciated thank you!

Girl in the Corner [Completed]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora