✧4✧ Vanish

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"Oh shit."

Me and Aaron dropped down in our seats a bit and both looked at each other.

"Let's get the hell outta here..." Aaron mumbled.

Aaron and I got up from our seats and I looked back at Ein. He was too distracted with the girls so luckily he didn't see us.

We both got up from our seats and headed to the back door. Aaron held onto my hand and we exited.

I looked back at Ein and felt a shiver go down my spine. He hadn't noticed us but it still made me feel nervous.

We ran out of the school and once we were finally out I stopped to catch my breath. I put my hands on my knees and looked up at Aaron.

"Let's just go home now..."

I straighten up again and Aaron grabbed my hand. He sprinted to the car and shoved me in before we started driving away.

I looked back at the school from the window and sighed. Out of all people he had to appear.

I sunk down into the seat and Aaron stopped in front of our apartment. We exited the car and he held onto my hand as we headed back to our apartment.


Once we were back inside I headed to my room and locked the door behind me. I took a deep breath in and walked over to my bed.

I laid down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. I felt my heart beating fast in my chest and there was a knock at the door.

"Aphmau?" Aaron called out.

I sighed and got up from my bed. I unlocked the door and walked over to the window.

I felt Aaron's arms wrap around me and I looked back at him.

"Hey don't worry will figure it out... will move again if we have to."

I nodded my head and turned back to Aaron. He pushed back against the window and began to look my body up and down. Our eyes locked and he bent down to my lips.

"A-Aaron is now really the time..." I mumbled.

A smirk formed on his face and he leaned into my mouth. Our lips touched and his body hit mine as we fell deeper into the kiss. His hands travelled up my sides and into my hair. As our lips moved together I put my hands on his face to bring him even closer in. Our lips moved closer I could feel myself getting hot.

I pushed Aaron back and started to catch my breath. I wiped my lips and he licked his. He took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it up. He put the cigarette to his lips and puffed out the smoke.

He put the cigarette down still holding it and I walked towards him. I put a hand on his shoulder and he breathed some smoke in my face.

"Wanna take it a little further..?" I asked a small kitty smirk appearing on his face.

He laughed and pushed me away.

"Not now maybe a little later..." He mumbled.

He backed me up to the bed and shoved me down on it. I hit the bed arms and legs spread out and he stared down at me taking another puff.

"I'll be back for you later." He said smirking.

He turned away and headed out of the room.

"Hey hold up! You can't just make me horny like this and leave!" I shouted as he left.

I heard him chuckle and I flipped over onto my side.

"Aphmau..." I heard a voice whisper.

I jumped up out of the bed and looked around the room. I noticed Jenny sitting on the end of my bed.

"Hey..." I mumbled.

She gave me a small smile.

"Where did you go earlier?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

She sat there quiet for a few minutes and then took in a deep breath.

"I went to see Travis."


"Because he was the only other one that could see me." She replied rubbing the back of her head.

"You are dead aren't you?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

She nodded her head in reassurance and I sighed.

"Why can only us two see you?"

"I'm not sure but I think its because we have unfinished business." She replied.

I nodded my head again and she began to float into the air.

"I'm here to warn you."

I walked towards her and stopped in front of her with a confused look.

"He is not the only one back and the other who is will betray you just like everyone else."

I stared at her in shock and she began to disappear.

"Goodbye Aphmau."

As she said those final words she disappeared into thin air. I dropped down to the ground and stared up at where she had just vanished from.

My heart was racing and my hands were shaking.

Who was she talking about?

Aarmau AU ✦Love Has Its Ways✦ (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now