"Yeona, Minseo! There you two are!" Three familiar faces made their way towards them, the girl who called out stood beside Minseo while the other two followed suit beside her.

"Oh shit sorry Misa, I forgot to text you that we were here," Minseo apologized to the girl. She grabbed a few empty cups and gave it to the three, letting them choose their own drink for their liking.

"Yeona you aren't drinking?" Hyunjin, one of her friends, asked her. She noticed his cup was half filled with a dark coloured liquid, much different than Minseo's.

She shook her head, "Nah I don't drink, I'll probably just stick to water."

"Then go get a few bottles over there before we head out," Minseo pointed to the other side of the kitchen where three stacks of packaged water bottles were neatly piled by the corner.

Yeona made her way over, pushing past a few people with her eyes only focusing on the water. Grabbing two bottles, one for herself and the other for Minseo who definitely needed one, she made her way back to where her friends were.

Except, they were missing.

"Shit shit shit," She cursed, looking around the kitchen, praying they just moved to the other side of the room.

No luck, they were nowhere insight. Yeona hurried out of the room and into the hallway, hoping to spot them walking down. Yet no matter how high or long she could stand on her toes for, she couldn't spot her friends.

"I'm going to kill her..." She knew she wouldn't be able to find her in this huge house. Too many floors, rooms and people. She was screwed and she knew it.

"Looking for someone?"

A deep voice spoke beside her, startling her. She looked to her left to see a tall boy with ashy brown hair. He was dressed casual, ripped jeans with a black tee. He was looking ahead of her, also on his tippy toes, almost mimicking the current position she was in.

"Uhm... yes. I'm looking for my friend but it looks like she ditched me..." She looked back down the hall again, hoping she would magically pop out of nowhere.

"That's terrible, but I think it's too early into the night to be killing someone, maybe wait a bit past 1? By that point everyone would be too drunk to notice." He joked amusingly, looking back at the girl.

But his smile faltered when notice the worried look on her face as she bit her lip, her arms crossed as she hugged herself close.

"Wait, is this your first party?"

Yeona looked to see him raising an eyebrow at her, as if he couldn't believe it was merely possible, "Yeah it is. I've never been here before so I have no idea where to look without getting lost."

He nodded slowly, putting a finger to his chin in thought, "Hmm... Want me to help you look for her?"

Yeona paused for a second before replying, "Uhm that's nice and all but, why do you want to help me? You don't even know me."

The boy shrugged, "I don't know, I feel kind of bad. I don't want your first party to go to complete waste. Might as well help you reunite with your friend rather than having you go back to your dorm and watch depressing movies all night long."

What the... How does he know me without even knowing me??

"So... what do you say?" He asked, shaking her out of her thoughts.

Yeona thought for a moment. She had no idea who this guy was, and according to the cup in his hand, he clearly had been drinking. Did she really want to go with some stranger she didn't know; even if he was good looking.

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