I'm so sorry Toby

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Aiko: Toby's story on the top

Yugi's POV

" That was werid." I said

" It was. But Toby, Masky and Hoodie, seen nice. But not slender man. He thought I was a boy." Aiko said

Aiko: I had spelled Hoodie wrong. I spelled it Hoody. Also no Masky x Hoodie. ARE THEY BROTHERS. * hacks the internet and erases Hoodie x Masky fanart and fanfiction. Also gets mad while doing so.*

 " They are nice. But yeah slender man is not nice at all. He tried to trap me." I said

" Well I was the one who got trapped. Also either Alakan, Heba or John would have saved you and, get trapped. But they where to slow." said Aiko

" Ok, but I'm going to change my clothes. And maybe see if I can wash of this blood." I said  then walked off

~ 2 hours later ~

Ok we five changed into normal clothes and washed, off the blood. Also now we are going to bed.

~ The next day ~

Toby's POV

Aiko: I don't care anymore

" Do we have to spy on them?" I asked

" Yeah, do we have to?" Masky also asked wait what?

" Wait a minute. Masky does not want to spy on people? This is not the real Masky I know. Who are you?" I asked

" It's just me Masky."

" Oh yeah. Then what is my name?" I said

" Toby." He said

" What's my favoirte food?"

" Waffles."


" What was that?" a girl said

" Shhhh. Get down." Hoodie said

" What was what Aiko." now a boy said

" I thought I heard someone yell waffles. And something else but I could not make it out. But I could go with a chocolate chip waffle right now." Aiko said


" You see what I mean. Did you hear that guys." Aiko said

Aiko: Yes we have the items. But we can't tell that they are the ones watching us because of slender mans magic.

" I did hear that. But let's go get some breakfest first. Before we go in the forest. To go to the magic lake that some people where talking about online." said Yugi I think

" Oh there lucky." I said and I think I can see Masky holding his eyes.

" But now take out your dumb video camera. And these go in there capen." me and Masky said but then we went into there capen. We walked in and there where many bags. There were name tags on them so we can tell, which one is whos. Masky went to one purple bag. He opened it and for some reason he got out his video camera. And started to rec the bags. I did not see what was in there. Untill I saw the name tag.

Name: Aiko Mutou

 Age: 17

Birthday: June 11

So that is Aiko's bag age 17. So she is my age. Wait a minute. Gasp. I grabbed one of my hatchets and threw it to Masky's head. Not the sharp part the otherside of it. " WHAT THE FUCK TOBY. WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" he yelled and I pointed to the bag and then to the video camera. I saw that he was blushing from under is mask. " You disgust me Masky. And I would have not even done that. If I want to." I said shacking my head and I can now tell he was blushing 100,000 shades of red of you can .

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