School camping trip

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Aiko: The song is called The campfire song


Yugi's POV

~ Sunday ~

" YES, YES, YES, YES, YES." I yelled

" Ra Yugi are you that happy going camping?" Aiko asked

" Not camping. It's the forest." I said

" What about the forest. Is it because we can kill or. Or?........ I can't think of anything." John said 

" Killing in the forest. We can play a game with people." I said

" Good idea Yugi. But we have to pack our bags. The trip is tomorrow." said Aiko

" What do we need to pack?" Alakan asked

" Clothes that can last 4 or 3 weeks. Our killing clothes and shoes. Knifes. Guns. Ammo. Knife sharper. Any weapons. And things that are normal. Just in case someone tries to look in our bags." Aiko said we all nodded and ran to our rooms. So we can pack. I pack three bags. One was red the second one was purple, and the last one was black. The red one was holding all of my weapons . The purple one was holding my normal clothes and my killing clothes. My cards. And my sketchbooks. And my black bag was holding more weapons, and on top of that more clothes. Then when I was done. I put my bags in the living room. And it lookes like all have of us finished at the same time. Aiko's bags where like mine. Alakan's bags where all pink. Heba's green. And then John's white. " Done at the same time. Nice." Heba said also we got done killing someone. So we don't have to kill anyone right now. Well we did not kill anyone a second ago. Like a hour ago. " What should we do?" John asked

" Go to sleep so we can get up early." Alakan said

" Your right we leave to the camp at 8:50. And we wake up at 6:30. We take like 20 minutes to take a shower. And 10 minutes to get dresset. So that will be 7:00. I take like enough 20 minutes to make breakfest. So it will be 7:20. We take 10 minutes to eat. Then it will be 7:30. With our three bags we have to carry. That might take 30 minutes or more to get there. So then it will be 8:00. So we got there 59 minutes early or less." Aiko explained

( Aiko: Did I do that right? I'm not good at math).

" Right's let's go." I said then we ran to our rooms so we can go to bed.

??? POV

I have running into this killer family. For two days. Sure I have not meet them face to face. But I'm fucking mad. Sould I say they keep stabbing my kidneys. I have nothing to eat. I would go to a different house but I don't want to .

Yugi's POV

~ On there way to the camp ground but still on the bus ~

Where still on the bus. Me, Aiko and Alakan are on the right side of the bus. And Heba and John the left. Where sitting in the back of the bus. And with just us. There three seats. Aiko was at the window me in the middle, and you know where Alakan is. Aiko is looking out the window an...

" What the?" Aiko said

" What is it Aiko?" I asked

" I thought I just saw someone looking at me from the forest. And they where looking right at me." she said

" What did they look like?" Alakan asked

" I don't know. It was to fast. I did not get a good look."

" Where you scared Aiko?" John asked and I looked at Aiko and she had a blank face on. " John when have ever seen me scared. Wait. When have you seen any if us scared?"

" Never."

" Right."

~ At the camp ~

We got to the camp and we got off the bus. We grabbed our bags and walked to the capen we where asigned to. And as a family where sharing a capen. And if we where not. Then we would have kicked a person out not us,  another person.

" Where do you want to go first?" Heba asked

" Let's eat first. So we can time to think of what to do." Aiko said then we all walked to eat something

~ 1 hour later ~

??? POV

Aiko: Not the one before. This person is different

" Let's go see what the lame family have." I said

" Let's go see what they have in there bags." said my friend then we walked to the lame familys capen. We saw the person Yugi's bad. I walked to his and my friend walked to Aiko's. I walked the purple one and my friend also opend the purple one. There is only clothes in here. So then we both opened the red....bag. " WHAT IS THIS." I yelled

Aiko's POV

We walked back to our capen. But when I was about to open the door I heard. " WHAT IS THIS."

" Who is in there?" Yugi asked

" Don't know. These find out." I said then opened the door to see Charlotte and her friend Ava. And she was looking in the bag with my weapons. " Well I guess they found out. I guess I have to kill her. And Yugi you have Ava." Aiko said then she walked over to Charlotte and grabbed a weapon from her bag. I did the same and we both had a knife in our hands. " What are you going to do it us?" they two asked scared out of there lifes. " I don't know what should we do with these two?" I asked

" Should we stabbed them in the heart. Or just kidnapped them and make them a mind slave?" Aiko asked

" Why not stab them. There our bullys after all." I said an Aiko threw the knife at Charlotte. " Man I missed. I was aming at your heart." Aiko got her at the shoulder then she grabbed a  different knife. And she threw it to Charlotte's heart. " To tell the truth. I threw it to her shouler. I just wanted to see her in pain." Aiko said again and Ava went running to Charlotte. But before she can fall to her knees. I threw the knife at her heart. " Now what should we do with there body's?" I asked

" Why not bary the body's?" Heba said

" Good idea. But do we have a shovel?" said I

" Right here." Aiko said and she was holding up shovel. " Where do we bary them?" I asked

" How about? Right next to the capen." Alakan said " good idea." Aiko said then me and her baryed the two girl's body's. 

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