"He's awake" she noted.

"Yeah, come meet him" John said, smiling at her. She came, and when she was kneeling besides me, john spoke.

"This is Ginger, she's thirteen, and her warrior name is FireShade. She is a W.I.T and it's not fair because she has the better name out of the two of us." John said to me.

"Hi" Ginger said, smiling, "Whats your name?"

"I ain't going to say my name to a couple of cats I literally just met. Also, what does W.I.T mean?" I said.

"It means Warrior In Training." John explained.

"And, well, you can trust us" she said.

"Yeah, plus, if you want us to leave you rot in the forest, then thats okay, cya!" John said grinning. He turned to leave, but I stopped him.

"Okay! Okay! I'll tell you my name! Just please don't leave me here!" I yelled.

"Okay then" He said.

"My name is Michael, and I'm twelve years old. You happy?" I said.

"Yeah" they both said.

"Though I have one question" john said seriously.


"How did you shapeshift?" He asked me.

"I don't know actually" I murmered. "It just happened"

"Oh." John mumbled,

"John" Ginger said, "We should take him back to camp"

He looked at her. "What? What if the king says something?"

"We'll just say we found him in the territory and that he wants to join."

"Why would he want to join?" he asked.

"Just say that he wants to join because LavaClan didn't treat him right."

"huh. Seems legit"

** Outside Camp **

I don't think this is a good idea. There is a chance I'll get sliced to ribbons because of how I'm an outsider.

"C'mon" John said. "Remember the plan"

"The plan." I said, swallowing hard. "I love the plan"

Ginger and john where on either side of me when we walked through a tunnel with a lot of vines in it. Also, I made sure I was in an animal form. I was a Jaguar by the way. They told me that I could shapeshift into anything I want if I concentrate really hard on the animal I want to turn into. Anyways, when we walked into the camp Johnathan and Ginger were constantly talking about, I saw something that I never knew existed. There were cats everywhere. There some talking in groups, some were playing and running around, and some of them were sleeping. There was one cat that stood out though. He was sitting on a rock that looked like that rock from "The Lion King". What was it called? Priderock. Yeah, it looked like that. He was looking around, probably making sure everything was in order. Then he saw me. He stood up and yowled loudly enough for everyone to hear, and when they heard it, the entire camp got silent, staring at him. He leaped off the rock, which was so high that I probably would have landed flat on my face. He landed on his paws easily though, and padded towards us. When he was infront of me, he
growled. I crouched, and he looked at Johnathan.

"BrownFur! Who is this?" he snarled.

"He's uh.... Um... We found him in our territory..." He stammered, dipping his head respectfully. The guys gaze snapped to me.

"Stealing our prey I presume?" He spat angrily.

"No sir..." I said, terrified.

"Then what were you doing in our territory?" he snapped.

"I..uh..." I stammered. What am I supposed to say?! Then I remembered something.

** FlashBack **

"John." Ginger said, We should take him to the king."

He looked at her. "What? What if the king says something?"

"We'll just say we found him in the territory and that he wants to join"

"Why would he want to join?" He asked.

"Just say that he wants to join because LavaClan didn't treat him right"

"Huh. Seems legit."

** End Of FlashBack **

"I... I want to join your clan" I said, looking at him.

He raised an eyebrow, which I didn't know was possible in cat form. "Oh? And why is that?"

"Um...LavaClan never treated me right sir" I said, trying not to reveal that I was lying.

"Typical LavaClan.." He growled. "What was your warrior name kid?"

Uh-oh... We didn't think that through. I looked behind me, and both Ginger and Johnathan were terrified. Think, think, think. What would be a good answer.

"I...uh..I don't remember sir.."

"What? How can a warrior not remember his name??"

"Um.... Before I came here, they knocked me out and left me in the forest. Then I woke up and found them." I gestured towards Ginger and Johnathan, "They were going to attack me, so I told them what happened and that I wanted to join. So they brought me here"

He looked at them. "Is this true?" He asked.

"Uh... yes sir.." they both said.

He thought about something, then he ran up the giant rock.

"Fine. If you wish to join MythicClan, you must have a battle to prove your honor and prove you are worthy enough to join" He said. "Who would like to battle this child?"

I looked around. I swallowed hard as I saw someone's paw shoot up.

"Ah. My son would like to battle you." He said, grinning. "Step forward you two."

I stayed where I was though, because I was frozen. Then someone grabbed the scruff of my neck, dragged me right below the giant rock, let go, and walked away. That jerk.

The guy looked down at us. "Let the Battle......"


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