Chapter 14: From The Beginning

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"Y/n I've liked you for a long time, I would even call it love, but only recently I decided that I was going to tell you." She nods her head for him to go on as he pauses for a moment to lick his lips. "I was going to tell you like three weeks ago on the day you and Tom made that deal, then I didn't because you got married. The night I yelled at you two for kissing I was waiting for you in your room, Tom carried you in asleep. Tom got me to tell him what was going on and then he told Harrison and them." "He pauses to catch his breath while his heart pounded rapidly. "So yeah that's pretty much the huge secret." 

You reach your hand out to his. "Zane." "Y/n, I love you, and I can tell you love Tom. I can see it, you won't admit it anytime soon, but you do. I'm pretty sure he loves you too." "Zane just stop talking." "Why?" "Because I said so and my head hurts." "Oh, is there anything I can do." "No, Zane I'm fine. It's just you are right I like Tom. Sometime in the past, I had those feelings for you, but not anymore, and those feelings don't even compare to how I feel about Tom. I'm sorry Zane." "Nothing to be sorry for I knew you would choose him." "Then why did you tell me?" "Because I couldn't continue being just your friend anymore and I can't continue being just your friend either." 

"I don't expect to do that. When we get back to London you can leave if you want. It is up to you." "It hurts to leave you, but it is what I have to do." "Okay, so I guess this is it. Our friendship is over." "Y/n, I wouldn't call it over, we are just not best friends anymore." "So over?" "Not completely over I'll check up on you once in a while." "Okay, that's better than leaving forever." "Yeah. I'm going to go now, rest up we are getting on a plane soon." 

Zane exits the room, out of the corner of his right eye he sees Tom on the phone sitting in front of a window, out the window he catches a glimpse of a black van pulling up. He jogs over to the window and looks out, nothing good comes from a black van filled with armed men. "Tom look outside." He looks out with Zane. "Okay everyone looks like they found us and are going to come in, I suggest we start getting prepared." Once the words left his mouth everyone in the room was up on their feet scurrying around. "Andie I need you to take this gun, get Y/n and take her to the safest place to hide in this house." "Okay, I will." "Wait, you remember how to use that right?" "Yes, Tom I do remember." 

Andie runs into the guest room in a panic, and you picked up that something was wrong. "Andie, what's going on?" "Well, 'they' have found us, whoever they are, I need to take you somewhere safe." Andie helps out of the bed, moving slowly since she was basically carrying you. Just leaving the room you can hear the door forced open. Halfway down the hall, you hear gunshots. Almost to the stairs you here a body drop, you turned around. At the opposite end of the hall, you see Zane on the ground, bleeding from his chest. 

At that moment it seemed like time was moving in slow motion as you ran down a never-ending hall to get to him. Your body was in pain, but you still ran as fast as you could. You didn't care if you would get shot or not you just had to get to him. Andie ran after you grabbing at your arms, yelling something that you didn't care to hear. You needed to get to him. Your best friend, who moments ago was telling you he loves you, but now he may never have another day. A whirlpool of tears came in an instance. You couldn't bear the thought of your best friend dying. 

You got to his body not aware of anything going on around you. Your hand cupped his face, "Zane, Zane, it's me. I need you to stay with me okay." He weakly nods his head. "I need you to know something." He whispered weakly, reaching his hand to your face. "Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n I love you and I will love you til the day I die. I love you and I will be with you every day." His hand falls from your face, you realize that he's gone. The pain overcomes you and you try to do something to get him to come back. You frantically start CPR to get him to breathe again, getting yourself covered in crimson red. You tired out tears covered his body, your head drops to his chest." You begged for him to come back between your cries. 

Big muscular arms wrap around you, forcing you to leave Zane and run. "Y/n it will be okay, I just need you to go with Andie." He releases you into another pair of arms and they walk you out the back of the house. They help you into a car sitting next to hugging you. Someone else must be in the car since it is now moving, but you couldn't tell who. 

All you could think about is Zane. He's dead now. He's gone. It keeps playing in your mind as if someone keeps turning the key to a music box over and over. You wanted it to stop. You wanted to think he was by your side. Would things be different if you told him you like him? Would he be dead if you continued to talk? Was it your fault? Will, you ever recover? 

But most importantly you wanted to know who killed him and why? Surely you will find them and make them pay for the damage they have costed you. 

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