Chapter 6: Two

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You got ready quickly and finished with applying a dark red lipstick. You had about five minutes till it was seven so you decided to just sit and wait for Tom to knock on the door. Suddenly Tom walks in and says "Are you ready, darling?" "I thought you would knock. But yes Holland I'm ready." "You call me Holland quite a bit dear. My name is Tom, call me Tom." "Ok if you can call me y/n for once." "Ok y/n. Let's go to dinner." Tom puts his arm out for you to loops yours within, he leads you out of the room and down to the main corridor. 

"One or two?" You are confused and try to figure out what one and two mean. You say "What?" "One or two?" "Two?" "Y/n, I'm so glad you choose two. It is the better option." He leads you to the huge dining room that was lit by candles. 

"Wow, you really did go all out for just a dinner." "Yeah, I did for this option hence why I'm glad you choose well that and this option has more possibilities." "Tom by possibilities you mean to have a chance to use what is in that drawer, right? If so that drawer may not be opened for awhile then." "In all fairness, that drawer hasn't been opened in a long time." "Really?" He nods shyly escorting you to a door in the back of the room. 

"There's someone that I want you to meet." Tom opens the door and a dog comes running out. She happily comes towards you and you bend down and pet her. "Y/n this is Tessa." "Tom she's adorable."  "Yeah, I know. I think we should eat now." "Yeah ok." You both sit down across from each other. Tessa decides to sit on the floor by you.  

During the dinner, you got to know each other, discuss the business a little, and even joke about the fight at the mall. The dinner was going well till Tom puts down his fork and becomes very serious. "So Zane hasn't been your right-hand man the whole time you've been in charge." You drop your fork and look up at him shocked that he brought that up. You knew he has a file all about you but you never thought he would have found out about that, let alone talk about it. "Umm, no he actually hasn't only for two years. My brother was." "Is there more to that story?"
You blink back tears not wanting to let your guard down. "Tom let's not talk about it." He realizes he has made you upset so he says "I understand we don't have to talk about." 

Both of you finish dinner and you thought the night was over till Tom says "Are you ready for some fun?" He takes you out of the dining room to a huge ballroom that you've never seen before. He walks over to a CD player and puts on some music. He walks back over to you and asks "Will you dance with me?" "Why?" "Y/n it's just a dance or two, can't you dance with me?" "Fine." 

He takes your hand into his and he puts his other on your hip and you both start two sway across the room. After a couple dances, he stops and looks at you then down to your lips quickly. He looks back at your eyes and says "I would do anything to kiss you right now." "Tom, we're married but it doesn't mean you have to love me." "Well, I don't know if I do or don't unless you let me try." "What's stopping you from kissing me?" "Put aside the fact we forced our marriage, let's pretend we aren't and let me kiss you." "Fine." 

He gets closer to you so you could hear his heartbeat, he wraps an arm around your waist, and he uses his other to move your hair behind your ear. He cups your cheek and leans in to kiss you. He gently kisses you on the lips, but you both want more and your tongues begin to tangle together. You put your hand on his chest as the kiss becomes more heated with sparks flying everywhere. 

Tom pulls back and says "That dress made it hard to resist the urge to kiss you all night." You smirk and say "Probably." You reach up to kiss him and he kisses you back. He puts his hand in your hair as yours are twisting through his curls. You kiss each other deeply with your tongues intertwined. You both stopped at the sound of the door opening to see Zane and Sam standing in the doorway stunned at what they just witnessed. 

Zane is furious and shouts "Y/n, what the hell?!" "Well, I can explain." Zane is not mad at you or Tom, he's mad because he's in love with you and now he has to watch you fall in love with another man. If it was any other guy he knew it never lasted, this time he knew you liked Tom. Even if you wouldn't admit it, you did. He noticed when you met him you looked at him in a way you've never looked at another man before. "Then start explaining, but it looks like you are kissing a man you barely know." "Zane you've been acting like this since we got here, I told you I am sorry. You haven't been yourself since the day we left to come here. What is your problem? Whether you like it or not I am legally married to Tom, so I would think that I could get to know him." You are so mad at Zane that you storm out of the ballroom. 

After you left Tom mutters "So you were spying on us?" Sam is quick to say "No we were just coming in here to get the CD player because Zane, Harry, Harrison and I wanted to listen to music while we were hanging out on the patio."Sam, I know you don't like her but really you had to ruin our date." "Tom I'm sorry." "Zane, Sam just go you did enough of ruining things tonight. I'm going to go find Y/n." Zane snaps "You don't know her, let alone care for her. I should go find her." "Zane the last thing she needs right now is the best friend who yelled at her for kissing someone." "Fine, have fun trying to find her." 

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