Chapter 5: Does this look ok?

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You pulled the car into the parking lot of the mall. Sam quickly says "Why are we here? You do know you are rich right?" "Sam shut up. You don't want to be here but you did say you wanted to come so it's your fault that you're here." "Respectfully y/n I wasn't aware that you tricked us. Why are we really here?" Harrison and Harry sat silently in the car wanting to get out of the car desperately. "Ok well, I brought you guys because Tom asked me to dinner tonight and I haven't been on a date in a long time. You guys know Tom very well so I thought you could help me find something to wear. Oh, and before you say anything about Zane, I want to get to know you all so I thought this would be a good time for that." 


After you found some dresses Harrison tells you "I think you should go try on the dresses now." "Yeah ok good idea Haz." He felt weird you calling him Haz, no ones ever called him that before. "Can you guys help me find the dressing rooms?" Harry points over towards his left "y/n, they're over there." "Thank you." You all walk over to the dressing room area, you go into one of the rooms and the guys find seats right out front of it. They all sit silently waiting for you to show them the dresses.

You come out in a black and white checkered dress. They all look at the dress disgusted. Harry breaks the silence with "Can I be honest with you?" "Yes" "it's not you, it's the dress the pattern is just bad. It's a dress you would wear to a family reunion, not a date." "Thanks, well I guess I'll go try on the next two then." 

You come out in a red off the shoulder cocktail dress. This time they aren't disgusted almost stunned. Harrison says "You look good in that dress, but not amazing. "If I can be honest Harrison I don't like this dress either." "Well no I don't dislike it, it's just there must be better options. The red is too bright." "Ok Harrison", you go back into the dressing room taking longer with the last dress. 

You come out in a black spaghetti strap dress that hugs all your curves perfectly. They all looked stunned, jaws dropping slightly. Harry is fast to say "You look amazing to get that dress no need to look at any others, I wish I could take you out." You blush slightly saying "Thanks, Harry. Sam, you've been quiet, anything you want to say?" "Tom will be glad he was forced into a marriage with you." 

Harrison gets up and punches him in his face. "Why the hell would you say that? You know she's our boss and the only with a gun beside me. Get the hell out of store Sam and wait outside I'll have someone get you." Harry gets up and escorts you into the dressing room. He closes the door behind him. 

"What the hell are you doing?" You stare at him waiting for an answer. "Sam um doesn't like you obviously but he is in a fight with Harrison which never ends well. So you are going to change then we'll sneak out past the fight, buy the dress and drive back home." "Harry I am a mobster and a woman I can protect myself, I don't need some guy to protect me." He nods and turns around putting his hands over his eyes. "You can get changed now. Just to let you know I'm not protecting you, you are protecting me." You laugh at his words. 

"Ok let's go, Harry." You grab the dress and you both run out of the room past Sam and Harrison still fighting. Harry looks over at you and says "Go get the car I'll buy the dress." You nod and make your way to the car. You pull the car up to the front of the store waiting for Harry to come out. You suddenly get a call from Tom, you pick up the phone. 

"Hey, Tom what's up." "Well, I just got a call from Harry saying that Sam and Harrison are fighting in the mall. Oh and that I need to send some guys and a car because it's a really bad fight, the worse they've ever had. I would like to know what happened." "Harrison got mad because Sam said 'Tom will be glad he was forced to marry you' it didn't bother me at all but really did piss off Harrison." "Wait why are you guys at the mall in the first place?" "I tricked them into dress shopping" 

Harry gets into the car and you start to drive "still you went to the mall?" "Yes I did go to the mall Tom it's what normal people do." "We aren't normal people, we are mobsters." Harry silently laughs in the background then says "You guys sound like an old married couple." Tom starts to laugh as well and says "Yeah we kinda do Harry." "Ok, Tom I'll be back at the mansion in five minutes see you then?" "Yeah, I'll see you tonight darling." You hang up the phone and you and Harry remain silent all the way back to Tom's mansion. You pull in through the courtyard and park the car. You pick your phone up and notice you only have an hour to get ready for your date with Tom.

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