📍 Nendou Riki x Reader

Start from the beginning

     "NO WAY!  I ain't makin' this up! Just go in and see for yourself!"  Nendou's gruff, excited voice rang.  He was unshakably insistent that this girl he was dating was not only real but more beautiful than Teruhashi. 

     They only got to the front and tried to peek through the windows but there was an overwhelming light shining through.  "What's this light?  What kind of café had lighting like this?"  Saiki criticized.  He looked over to the other two to see Kaidou shielding his delicate eyes but Nendou...he was just staring like it was nothing.  "That can't be good for his eyes."

     Kaidou was trying to get a glimpse of the café while keeping his vision in tact but he had to offer more questions.  This building was too weird. "Nendou, are you sure this is a-WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR EYES?!?!"  Kaidou squawked in alarm.

     Nendou just turned to his friend with a smile not realizing..."what?" He asked.  His eyes had shriveled into what looked like overly done sunny-side up eggs.

"Uuh...nothing." Kaidou lied, backing out of his observations.

"Well! What are we waitin' for?! Let's go inside!" Cheered the egg-eyed Nendou like a happy puppy.

Saiki was the first to approach the door. He slowly reached for the handle and even though he was a psychic he wasn't too sure of what to expect on the other side. Finally grasping the doorknob he let out a disdainful sigh. "Let's get this over with." As the door opened, with each centimeter that separated from its original position it unleashed the bright, white blaze that had once been contained and the boys braved their way inside.

As the heavenly illumination eased around the posse entering the building their vision returned and what they saw awed them. All of the customers either sat with their heads bowed in reverence or were full-on bowing on the floor.  Looking towards what they were apparently worshipping they all froze slightly at the magnificence in front of them.  A vision straight from heaven but Saiki still had a question...

"Yes, she's pretty but what makes her so much more different from Teruhashi?"

Hearing the little "tinkle" of the bell the beautiful (Y/n) looked towards the door, her face illuminating pure, untainted love and adoration for the figure that she saw. "Riki~" Her velvety voice called enticing the boys to come closer to the counter like they couldn't control their own feet.

"Riki?! So she does know Nendou?!" Kaidou mentally clambered to make sense of what was going on as it seemed that what was bound to be lie might actually be the truth.  This caused steam to erupt from his ears.

"Hey, (Y/n)! How's it going~?" Nendou tried to sound suave for his lady but ended up bursting with excitement. "I got you these!" He basically yelled while presenting the bouquet. His cheeks were a pretty unflattering shade of red and his smile gave away how many functioning brain cells he had.

     "Oh, Riki~ thank you so much! I love them!"  She praised earnestly taking the arrangement into her cradling arms and smelling the natural perfumes.  "This is so thoughtful!  I'm so lucky!" Her genuine smile seemed to entice the singing of angels as they could be heard throughout the cafè.

     "Where is this singing coming from?" Saiki asked no one, glancing around suspiciously.

     Saiki was still suspicious of this (Y/n) even though he was slowly being won over against his will.  On the other hand Kaidou was stiff from shock at her looks, her so far sweet personality, and the fact that she was dating a gorilla.  He merely stood as a statue and unacknowledged until he herd her voice crack his mental and physical cement.

     "And who are these two, Riki?  Are they your friends?" You inquired sweetly, peeking around Nendou's body to look at them.


     "YES, MAM!"  Kaidou shouted with a cracking voice and red face.

     You giggle at their silliness.  "They seem nice.  I'm glad Riki has such good friends." She thought.  "It's nice to meet you, I'm (Y/n) (L/n)~"

     "I-I'm Kaidou a-and th-this is Saiki!"  Kaidou somehow chocked out.  "I-If you don't m-mind me asking, how did you two meet?"  He had to know.

     "I don't mind at all!  Let's see.  I was walking home from volunteering at the soup kitchen when I saw a baby bird on the ground, I went to go help but Riki got their first.  He was so gentle when he picked up the bird and put it back that I started developing a crush right away.  But I really fell for him when I saw him the second time, he saved my little brother from a car fire.  We met when I thanked him and the rest is history.  He was just so kind and happy to help that I couldn't help but fall for him."  She finished her tale with a single tear and the glow of gratitude while grasping Nendou's hand gently.

     Listening to her story and keeping a psychic eye on her thoughts Saiki finally figured out what made her infinitely more beautiful than Teruhashi. "Ah, so that's it.  She's beautiful on the inside too."

     "A CAR FIRE?!?!"

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