Chapter Sixty Seven- Walking Disasters

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"Can I take your order please?" He smiles at us widely. Anne orders first, my Mom following and then Gemma before Harry looks at me. I hope he was ordering for me because I had no idea what I wanted seen as my Mom said pizza isn't proper food.

"I'll have the Steak please, medium rare" Harry tells the man and he quickly jots it down before looking to me.
"And she will have the bacon double cheese burger, no sauce, no salad and no pickles or dressing please" he says and I feel this weird feeling my chest as he glances at me. He knew exactly what I liked probably more than I did.

"Thank you, is that everything?" The waiter asks and we nod.

"Yes thank you" Harry says as the sister starts to take our menus. Anne starts talking about something with my Mom and Gemma and I look to Harry just as the waiter leaves.

"I lo- thank you Harry" I correct myself. What the hell? What was I thinking? I was about to- Oh my.

"Your welcome" he smirks clearly noticing my slip up making my cheeks blush slightly.
"Come get a drink with me?" He asks and I nod.
"Excuse us a second" He says to rest of them before we leave the table. I follow close behind him as we walk over to bar.
"Nice coat by the way" he says as he turns to me with a smirk on his face. My eyes widen slightly as I feel my cheeks burn up as he looks down at me leaning on the bar.
"What? You didn't think I would notice? I've been looking for that for weeks" he says and I pull the jacket round me tighter.

"It's comfy" I say and he smiles.

"Looks good on you" he says as I feel his eyes trail up and down my body effortlessly.
"I mean looks better than those shorts you were wearing the other night, and bonus you have shoes on" he says sarcastically making me laugh lightly.

"Don't remind me" I shake my head as I look away from him in embarrassment.

"My Mum leaves tomorrow" he says and I look up at him. He didn't really seem pleased about it but I could tell something was bothering him.
"I was wondering-"

"Are you guys waiting?" The bartender interrupts snapping me out of my gaze at Harry. I smile at him as he looks to me briefly then back at Harry.

"Oh uh yeah please can we have a medium Merlot, a small Merlot, two cokes and a lemonade" Harry asks and the bartender nods.

"Course" He says looking to me with a smile before walking away. Was he hitting on me?

"What were you going to say?" I ask pulling Harry's attention back to me as he glares at the bartender.

"I Uh- I was wondering if we could you know.. talk tomorrow" he asks as he looks down at me. I knew this was bound to come up. It's not like I didn't want to talk, I think it had to happen. Spending time with my Mom really helped clear my head.
"Obviously I want to spend time with my family tonight and I would invite you but I don't want to over step-"

"Your not over stepping" I say as he looks down clearly getting a little shy.
"Can we just see how tonight goes?" I ask and he looks at me skeptically for a second before nodding.

"Course" He says. It was kinda awkward between us. We both seemed sort of lost as we looked at each other. There was so much left unsaid and it was all sort of lingering between us.

"Harry your Mom-"

"Here you go" The bartender interrupts bringing us some of our drinks. I avoid his gaze as I look to Harry intently. I had to ask. I couldn't help myself.

"Thanks" Harry says bluntly to the bartender as he walks away to grab the rest of our drinks.
"My Mum What?" He presses as he looks to me again. I didn't know how to bring it up. I didn't know whether I should or not but I just couldn't stop myself.

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