The Phoenix, The Fight

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**That is what Aly is gonna be wearing soon, 😉**

I followed Steve to a room full of people and computers. And one person stood out.

"Tony" Steve said softly. He turned and eyed Steve, then me.
I rolled my different colored eyes and crossed my arms. Glowering at the man.

"Really think you can oppose one hundred and seventeen nations? Really Steve?" The short man asked.
I lifted an eyebrow.

"What's he talking about?" I asked

"The Salcovia accords. Where the nations have to call on the Avengers so help them, and we can't do anything until they do." Steve explained.

"So basically they're nanny caming you guys?" I questioned, anger seeping into my words. I turned to Tony.
"And you agree with them?"

He nodded, and motioned for Steve to follow him. Which he did.
Leaving Sam and me with a cat king.

"So... You didn't answer Sam's question. " I turned to the King.
"You like cats?"


It must have been a few hours, but Steve, Sam, and I sat in a glasses room, waiting for whatever to happen.
Thankfully Sharon put on the live camera so we'd see Bucky's interrogation.

The questions were simple enough, but knowing Bucky, he wasn't trusting, or talkative.

But the power cut off, and it all went dark.
I heard Steve and Sharon's conversation, but I didn't believe.
Not until now.

"We have to go, now." I nearly panicked.

"Sub level 3." Sharon said, and we were off.  Running down the halls to where Bucky was being held. I had a very dark feeling about this, and I didn't like it.

We got to the floor, the sirens blaring in my ears and my eyes being blinded by the flashes.
I didn't care. I just needed to find James.
The floor was littered with bodies, dead and barely breathing, it broke my heart. Making me nearly sick to my stomach.
Then I saw the doctor, he was on the floor, untouched.

That bastard.

"Help, please... " He muttered, but I wasn't gonna take his shit. I grabbed his by his collar and pinned him to the wall, a little higher than me.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" I spat, venom dripping my mouth as I felt heat rush into my metal prosthetic.
His face crossed with a sinister grin, then I heard wall breaking.

I turned around to see Bucky attacking Sam, his blue eyes as dull as a spoon. I dropped the man, kicking his gut to keep him down.
Steve began to fight his best friend, being pushed down an elevator shaft.
I came from behind, drop kicking Bucky's back and landing on my knee, slide kicking his legs out.

He was stronger though, and read me as a traitor.
I felt the cold metal of his arm grab my hair, yanking me up. I yelped, kneeing his gut and making him drop me. But it wasn't for long.
His left hand wrapped around my throat, blocking my airways and causing my vision to go fuzzy.

"James....  Stop... " I choked out. But he didn't budge, he threw me aside, making me go through a glass wall and break it.
Glass going though the left side of my body.
I started drifting in and out of consciousness. Falling into the darkness.



I woke up in an abandoned warehouse, my throat sore and my body feeling like it was on fire.
I pushed myself up to see poorly wrapped bandages around my arm and half my torso.
With lazy eyes I looked around the room. Standing up slowly to not shock my body and cause more pain.

I wondered out, my left arm held close to my chest as I slowly wondered. I then saw Steve, his arms crossed and leaning against a wall. He turned my way and his eyes went soft.

"Aly, you alright?" He asked, walking up to me with worried eyes. I nodded, cringing at the pain in my arm.
Nodded to me, telling me to come and see Bucky. Who had his metal arm in a strange contraption. It hurt me to see him this way. Vulnerable and broken.

He looked up at me with pained eyes, and kept on eyeing my throat, which most likely had a bruise around it.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, walking over without a worry.
He let out a sarcastic, sad chuckle, dipping his head down.

"I should be asking that question to you." He held pain in his words. I looked extremely hurt.
My heart tore from his words and how he said them.
I sighed softly, turning to Steve and Sam.

"I told them about you know who." Bucky said randomly, but my eyes widened as I turned him.

"The death squad?"

"Yeah, thats who that doctor is after."

I felt my heart ping with fear.

Not them...

*sorry these updates have been taking so long, I've been hitting writers block, and been grounded, thankfully I'm ungrounded and can write.(☞ ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)☞,  so I'll try to update this more often, but if I don't, I'm most likely updating other stories or thinking of the original I need to do.

~Lonely Potato! *

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Sorry, I'm bored

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