The Phoenix, Dream

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Cold, that's all I felt, cold.

I opened my eyes and all I saw was white, powdery snow. Cold.

What the hell? I thought. I looked up and was a soldier, I didn't recognize him at all, but he was dragging me through the snow. I look around and all I see are trees, pine trees maybe? I don't know.

I can't move my body, and I can't talk, I can't even control where I move my head, only my eyes. I, or whatever, turned my head to the left to find a horrific sight.

My left arm was gone and staining the once perfectly white snow with blood red. I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, they closed me off into darkness.


I open my eyes to another horrific sight, a group of men were sawing off the remaining bit of bone, muscle, and flesh of my left arm, everything was inaudible, except the sound of the saw breaking though bone and chopping through flesh and muscle. Everything flashed white all of a sudden.

'Sargent Barnes,' I heard. I saw a man, he had pudgy cheeks and a lab coat on, 

'You'll be the new fist of Hydra.' He said in a Swedish accent.

Once I could see again, I looked at my hands, my left one was metal!

James, I thought. I saw a doctor next to me and the Hydra symbol, I couldn't control myself and my left hand, or James' , clamped around his throat. The same man I saw a moment ago, came by with a syringe and stuck it in my neck,

'Put him on ice.' He said, before I blanked out.

When I could see again, I saw my reflection, well, not mine.

James' reflection, and he was in a cryogenfreezer, and everything froze.

And went black.


I shook my head side to side and woke up to a stabbing pain in my right arm, I look down and take a deep breath, and exhale sharply.

I wasn't surprised at all, I had just witnessed a dream of horror, why should this effect me?

My hand was missing, instead, there was a metal replacement, like James and his metal arm. Just below my thumb was a small crimson star. I wanted to rub it off, or remove the hand.

I bite my bottom lip and tried to sit up, but I still had restrains on. I slightly sit up and examine the metal prosthetic. Opening and closing my hand, hearing the robotic noises that brought all to much of an uncomfortable feeling. I look at were they attached the metal to my skin and it was covered in raw flesh. I instantly felt insecure and wanted it off. I try yanking my hand loose from the restraints and grunt every time I rubbed them onto the raw flesh just below my metallic hand. Soon I was able to slide it out and I instantly rip the there restraint off my left hand. I lean over and start ripping the ones off my ankles. But I started to here footsteps coming closer to the doors. I jump up and grab a scalpel on the small metal table.

I rush near to the other side of the door so when it opened, I'd have cover.

Once I saw the knob turn and it open I hear whistles coming from the perpetrator, I notice his attire is different then the others. All Hydra agents had belts and armor, but this man, was just wearing a black shirt and pants. He slowly walked to the mattress, where I layered the blankets and pillows to make it look like i was still there, and sat on the edge, fiddling with his thumbs, He left the door open and was sitting on the bed, I could strike and bolt for the exit, but what about James?

The Phoenixजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें