The Phoenix, State of Mind

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It's was a year and a half, it wasn't fun, being on the run and hiding, but it was better then being with Tony, Bucky's better.

He was actually treating me like I was his daughter, even though I was sixteen, and knew how to take care of myself. But from what I've learned from guys, is that I was surprisingly, and unnaturally, attractive for my age.

And I absolutely HATE it, still do. Yes I did clean myself up and my skin did get it's natural color back, and my face wasn't sunken in, but turns out, when I got the serum, it 'enhanced' my appearance and made me

*Waves hand into a rainbow* Attractive, YAY!


Shut up Dad! I will bitch slap you, well, yeah, whatever, lets get this going.

  • ★ •  

I wake up on the mattress, still curled up, laying my head on Bucky's shoulder. The apartment we had was small, but livable and comfortable for our needs. I sat up, but his hand still held my waist.

We'd always sleep like this, him holding me. It comforted us both, and when we didn't, either one of us would get nightmares.
He still has a burn on his right wrist from last week, and I still felt guilty about it.

It was getting harder to control it, my abilities. As I got older, my powers grew stronger.

I could now use my telekinesis with ease, and I wouldn't cough up blood, but then a new ability came to light.

Telepathy, now that made me feel like I was going insane, constantly hearing voices in your head, none stop. It was turning me crazy and I had to seclude myself for a while, I could tell it tore Bucky's heart, he couldn't help, cause if I saw him, I would go into his head, not knowing it and hearing the voices. The screams.

He still held all that guilt from all those years, even though those fifty years weren't his fault, they never will be, but he still holds the voices and they continue to scream at him. It's a nightmare really.

I can hear all the dirty fantasies that random gross guys on the street think of when they see more or another attractive women. And whenever I cringed at the guy, Bucky knew and would glare at them, at least that made me feel safe. I always felt safe with him, even after the night he strangled me.

I was having a bad day and decided to sleep alone, and I woke up to Bucky shouting in his sleep, I dashed to help him, but when I finally woke him up, his eyes were wild and crazed.

Winter lashed out, and attacked me. Grabbing my throat with his left hand and pinning me to the hard wood floor.

I gasped and hand to singe his bare torso for him to jump off of me, once he came back and realized what he did, he was the one to seclude himself, and he didn't talk to me for a while. And whenever he looked at me, his eyes brimmed with tears, it tore both of us apart.

He was the father figure I have always wanted, but whenever he looked at me and tried so hard to not cry, and me seeing that night replay in his head. It broke both of us for a while.

Till we both couldn't take it, being alone. It was the only time I felt lonely.

We always fell asleep together. With me laying my head on his shoulder, while his would sometime fall onto mine. We always sat upright, it was more comfortable, sorta.

But sometimes, just before I fell asleep, I'd 'accidentally' say 'Goodnight Dad.'

I could feel his heart rate rise, and his smile grow. I literally felt the happiness radiate off of him as I feel asleep.

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