"Ah, okay," Keith says understanding.

"How do you guys know each other?" Lance asks the three of them.

"I've been friends with Shiro since elementary school," Allura explains, "And then when he introduced Keith, we became friends! Now me and Shiro go to the same university!"

Lance nods his head as she explains.

"Yeah, but just a quick question for you Keith." Shiro pipes in. "Why are you with Lance? Aren't you guys like "rivals" or some shit?"

"About that..." Keith mumbles.

"You haven't told him?" Lance whispers to him.

"No! I haven't seen him since I was in the hospital like over a week ago and I forgot to mention anything then because you weren't there!" Keith whispers back.

"Fair point, I haven't told Allura either."


"Are you guys gonna tell us what's going on here?" Shiro asks. Keith sighs and grabs Lance's hand.

"Me and Lance are soulmates." Silence.

"Oh my god!" Allura shrieks.

"Congratulations you guys!" Shiro says, a smile on his face.

"My cousin finally got a boyfriend!" Allura says as she jumps up and down with excitement.

"Tell me everything!" she says as she grabs both boys arms and drags them into the living room. Shiro laughs and follows them, excited to hear this story.


The sun was starting to set, and the sky was turning a pinkish orange. Shiro and Allura waved the boys goodbye and popped into the kitchen to say bye to Krolia before they headed out to go and visit with Matt, leaving Lance and Keith alone in the living room.

"Allura is really great," Keith says.

"Yeah, she's been a real pillar of support for me over the years." Lance says.

"Has she found her soulmate yet?" Keith asks.

"They haven't met in person yet because they live quite far away but they've been talking and calling for a while. I've never seen a picture of them, but her soulmate is a girl named Romelle. What about Shiro?"

"Shiro found his soulmate about two years ago actually when he started university," Keith explains.


"Yeah, they're in the same program. His name is Adam, he's really nice and absolutely perfect for him."

They look over at one another and smile.

"Well, I think you're perfect for me." Lance whispers.

"Cheeseball," Keith says with a blush. He just shakes his had at Lance's antics and pulls him into a kiss, when Lance's phone dings, indicating an incoming message. Pulling a part, Lance grabs his phone from the arm of the couch to see a message from my mom.

"I guess I should be heading home, my mom is wondering when I'll be back."

"It's all good, I'll see you tomorrow at Pidge's." Keith says.

"Are you going to need a ride?" Lance asks as he swings his backpack over his shoulder.

"Nah, my mom wants to go and visit with Pidge's mom for a bit so she's giving me ride over."

"Sounds good, I'll see you tomorrow then," Lance says with a kiss on Keith's cheek before heading out the door and down the driveway to where he parked his car a little down the street as Shiro and Krolia had earlier, had both their cars parked in the driveway. The sky had lost its orange and pink hues, leaving the sky dark and the only light coming from a few dimly lit streetlamps dotted along the streets. As he walked towards his small car, Lance felt a chill run up his spine causing him to stop in his tracks and listen. Silence. Shrugging his shoulders, he strolled up to his car door and grabbed his keys from his back pocket. 


Lance whips around, unsure where that sound had come from, only to be confront with an empty sidewalk and street. Nobody in sight. He passes it off as nothing and goes to unlock the car door when he fumbles the keys, and they fall to the ground. Groaning at his clumsiness he bends down to retrieve his keys but as he stands back up, he notices a second person in the reflection of his car window. Turning his around he watches as a figure dash towards him. Without enough time to react, a cloth covers his face and in a matter of seconds Lance has completely blacked out and fell to the ground. The figure, dressed in black from head-to-toe places the cloth in their back pocket, then grabs the car keys from Lance's hand and unlocks the backseat before hauling Lance's unconscious form into the back. Before shutting the door, they grab Lance's phone and use his fingerprint to open the phone. Opening the phone, they go to one contact and send a single message before throwing the phone in the front seat passenger chair. With Lance's keys, they start the car and driveaway, Lance unconscious in the back seat and nobody around to witness the abduction of Lance McClain. 

(A/N: Shit... I'm so sorry, blame eighth grade me, this is what I originally wrote, but in less detail...)

The Paint On Our Skin (A Klance Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें