Chapter 9

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The kitting didn't last too long and Brookriver was left with 2 adorable she-cats and 1 tom. Mumbleshine licked her on top of the head.

"What should we name them?" Mumbleshine asked happily.

"Hmmm, this one could be Ryekit," she answered pointing to a silver she-cat resembling her. "And this one should be Flowerkit." She said pointing to a grey and brown she-cat, resembling Mumbleshine.

"And this one could be Fallenkit." Mumbleshine suggested, flocking his tail towards a silver tom with grey stripes.

"I'll tell Mintystar." I said to them, padding across the opening towards Mintystars den.

"Come in, come in, Blossompaw, how are you?"

"I'm good thanks. Brookriver had a successful kitting, two she-cats and a tom." I announced to her.

"Great! I'll tell the clan, I also need to tell the clan something else." She told me. My fear was climbing. What does she have to tell us, is it bad or good? "Okay lets go." Mintystar stood up and padded out of her den and went down the slope towards the Small Rock and bounded up there. "Cat old enough to catch their own prey gather here under the Small Rock."

Crowds of cats came out of their dens and a hunting patrol just got back so they set themselves down near the front.

"Cats of SpringClan I present you with one good thing and one bad thing." The cats stared up at their leader. "Brookriver has had three new kits Fallenkit, Flowerkit and Ryekit I believe and also," *cough from Mintystars den* "Songtail has got a case of Catcough but it-" yowls from some SpringClan cats went up, others were sad yowls. "It can only become Redcough if it's not treated, I'm pretty sure that Swiftshine can treat him, can't you Swiftshine?"

"I-I-I'm not sure Mintystar, there's not enough Grain and Honey to mix together to make an antidote." Swiftshine explained.

"I don't care, just treat him as well as you can." Mintystar growled and jumped down from the Small Rock and stalked into her den. Crowds of outburst went up.

"Calm down everybody." A familiar voice ring across the clearing. I spun around to see Buzzardsnow padding towards me, a blank expression on his face. "Do you know anything about this?"

"About what?" I acted as casual as I could, pushing my feelings down.

"Songtail, his cough?" He asked me. I felt pairs and pairs of eyes bore through my fur.

"N-no-no I don't k-know." I stuttered.

"Well thank you anyways, we can get through this outbreak of Catcough, I'm sure of it." With that Buzzardsnow walked off, probably towards Neveclaw who was on the other side of the clearing sharing tongues with Laraleaf. I went to the apprentices den and went inside. I giant hole was there from where Snowpaw used to sleep. My heart felt empty as I sat down next to Autumnpaw and Birdpaw.

"Hey do you need your fur cleaned?" Birdpaw asked.

"Yes, thanks." I answered. They nodded and stuck out their tongues and started to clean my fur.


"All done." Birdpaw said to me as I struggled to get to my paws.

"Do you want me to get you some fresh-kill?" Autumnpaw asked me. I nodded. She took off towards the fresh-kill pile. She came back with a thrush and sparrow. "Here." Autumnpaw said, pushing the thrush towards me. I dug my mouth into the thrush, letting the mouth-watering scent fill my nose and the delicious flavour fill my mouth. I suddenly stopped. My belly suddenly filled up. I pushed the thrush towards Birdpaw.

"You hungry?"

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