Six Months later

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Its been six months since I saw Reek. After my incident things went back to normal. But thing started to get weird. At first i didnt realize it.

My mom went work, Richard had a day off and school was closed. That left me and Richard in the house. I was just make dinner so my mom would have to eat from her long day of work, while Richard was watching tv in the living room. "Diamond is the food ready? Im starving." He yells. "Its almost ready. Just give it about fifteen minutes." I answer. About five minutes later he comes in the kitchen. Walks behide me and rest his hands in my shoulder" What's taking so long? You said fifteen minutes its been like thirty." I look at the click and th3n look at him with confusion. "What! Its only been five." I remind him. " Doesn't feel like it. Just hurry up"

After the food is ready i share out food for us while he sits at the table. "I like that shirt u have on" he complements me. "Thank you" I say. Its weird he would say that because i was wearing any kind of dressy shirt, it was just a hot pink straped-tank-top. Honestly i expected him to disapprove of it cause it showed a lot of shape. We been eating for about 10 minutes i see him watching me but i dont pay it no mind
. "Do you have boyfriend? Or a girlfriend?" Richard askes out of nowhere. I nearly chock on my food. "What? No! Why would you ask that?." I reply. "Just asking" Nothing thinking to much of it i finish my dinner.

About 2 hours later Mom comes home from work. The first thing she does it take her shoes off and find a seat in the living room. Richard doesnt know she home yet. He in the back room sleeping. I come out of my room to greet her and heat up the food for her. "Hi mom, I made some food do you want." I say as I hug her. "Yes, I haven't eaten all day." I heat a up the food and share some out for her. "Mom did you tell Richard I have a boyfriend or a Girlfriend? " I ask. " No. why?" She answers. " cause we where eating ans he just asked out of no where" I answer. "He probably kust wanted to know. I wouldnt think to much of it. Did you ever think he just he's being a concerned parent." Don't get me wrong I like Richard but he wasn't my parent. My father left again. "If you say mom."

I walk down the hall passing my mother's room. Seeing Richard nocked out on the bed. If I'm being honest Richard has been slacking lately. All he does is sleep when home. Its not like when he's out he's at work, he only leaves when his friends and him have plans. He has just been off it. He was nothing like when he first met my mom. He doesnt do drugs. He not a drinker. He's somthing else, but the problem is I don't what he is.

3 weeks later

Over these past few weeks Richard's behavior has gotten worst. He and my mom fight. The fight basically starts because he doesnt put in any effort ans eveeything fall on my mom. He should have a job by now, but as I said he doesn't put in effort. I offer to get a job but mom doesnt want to yet. She always says "Your still young, you should have responsibilities yet. When you turn 15 then you can look any job you want." I understand what she means but I turn into 5 in two months so why not start early. Ice already been applying to jobs, but call back.

Richard and I are alone in the house often. Which give me alot of time to my self, but Richard always insists that we spend time together. I'm never aganist the fact that we should spend time we with each other, but not everyday. This day was unlike ever. I never ask for it but it happened anyways.

"Diamond you wanna watch a movie?" He yells out from the living room. I stay silent for a few seconds, rolling my eyes, falling back on the bed throwing mini tantrum.
"Nooo! Im good" I finally reply. "Diamond get out here now. We gonna watch Justice League" he insists. I love the move but I dont wanna watch it with him, but i just give in. "Fine, I'm coming. Just give me sec" I agree. "Okay, but hurry, I wiil dtart with out you"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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