wedding day

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Its been nine months since richard purposed to my mom. Those nine months have been hell. Constanly being called to see if I like a cake style and being forced to help with planning. But it was all worth it, I can finally watch my mom get ready for, what she calls, the biggest day of her life. Sitting in chair a few feet away I look at her as the makeup artist lightly brushes her face thinking "this is the day my bother, matt, and I get a new father", but suddenly I think "what about my real father, where was he?" For sake of my mother happiness I push it out if my head and continue to watch her with a big smile in her face that says "today is the beginning"

Mom was putting the last touches on face when aunt d. stuck her head out from the door and said "its time sweetie" I jump up from my sit excited, "its time mom" Watching her rush to finish and run out the room as if she thought she was gonna be late made me notice how important this day was to her. While I rush behind her I held the trail that was hanging at least seven feet behind her.

We stopped at the end of a hallway with a doubled door and two big, tall men standing at the door like they were security. I looked at my mother as I plucked a feather of her shoulder, I stopped to stare into her eyes then pulled her closer for hug. As we hugged I whispered "you look beautiful, he's extremely lucky to have you"

Soft, elegant music begins to play. "That's my cue" she says, we push away from each other. Still looking at her I flip the vail over her face and run around the corner so I can get in line with rest of the bridesmaids.

As i get closer to the room I hear the music and voices of people talking all at once. I enter the room and see big chandelier hanging from the ceiling and what seems like hundreds of glass door that led outside.There are pieces of fabric hanging on the ceiling connecting the chandelier to another part of the ceiling. I quickly get into line. Standing there felt weird, having all these eyes on me, I don't enjoy the spot light. There was this one man he kept looking at me but the thing is his face look familiar but I pay it no attention.

The music get louder and everyone quite down and stands to welcome the bride. The doubled doors are pulled open revealing my mother in her beautiful white mermaid dress. When she walks the only thing left behind is the long end of the dress, dragging across the floor with each step. All eyes are u her but one. It's the same man who was looking at me before. I was just ignoring him but now it was getting weird. So I left it until after the wedding, thinking it was the dress I was wearing, I wasnt a big fan of it either.

She gets closer and closer with every step taken. She takes the hand of richard as he helps her up the steps. When she reaches the top he gently flips the vail over to uncover her freshly done makeup. The music stops. The minister stands there in his white church suite with a red clergy stole hanging from around his neck. He lifts his hands ans brings it down slowly to let the people know they can be seated. He begins "friends, families, we are gathered her today to share with Katherine and Richard an important moment in there lives. Their time together they have seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom and now they have decided to live the rest of their lives as one."and continued for another 10 minuets.

Finally the moment I have been dieing to see, "I Katherine take you Richard, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part". Mom repeats after the priest. "I richard take you Katherine to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love to cherish; from this day froward till death do use part" Richard repeat after Mom "U may kiss the bride" the minister says with such passion. Richard grabs his bride by the waste, pulls her in close and kisses her. Everyone rises from there seats applauding the newly wedded couple.

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