Chapter 10

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[Authors' note: I can't believe I have to do this, but I might as well. I'm putting an abuse tw on this chapter.  If this gives you anxiety in any way, please skip this chapter and wait for chapter 11.]

A few days later...

My phone began to ring. I looked. It was LaTanya. I answered. "Hey, T," I said. "Hey, May! You know how your birthday's comin' up, right?" "Yes, T. Why? If this is about the thing Hiro's planned, I don't wanna know." I said. "Nah, nah. It ain't about that. It's about your dad. How is he? He posted something on Facebook about it." "Oh, yeah. He's fine. He's getting better. Dad!" I called. "What?" He yelled back. "Are you getting better?" I asked, loudly. "Yes! Who's asking?" He replied, louder. "LaTanya!" "Ok!" "He said yes, T." I said. "I heard." LaTanya replied. "So, about your party, what music you want? Kid Rock, like usual, or The Lively?" "T, you know the answer to this. Kid Rock." I replied, quickly. "Oh, ok. Jeez. Hiro just wanted to know, so he can buy CDs." "Don't we have enough CDs, T?" "True, May, very true," She replied. "Ok, that's all I wanted. Thanks, May. Nice to talk to you again. Bye-bye." "Bye-bye." I replied. I heard the tone. I hung up.

"Who was it, May-May?" Abeoji asked. "LaTanya." I replied. "Which one is she? The autistic redhead? The black one?" "LaTanya is the black one, Abeoji. She's the one with the fake leg. That she got from a bar. For kicks." "Oh. That's her? I thought she was the redhead." "Wrong." I said, turning to face Abeoji. "Ollie's the redhead." "Oh. Ok. I get it now." Abeoji pushed his glasses up. "Are they bothering you?" "What is?" Abeoji asked. "Your glasses." I replied. "A little." He said, pushing them up again. "Take them off." I said. "Can't, really. I'm hypersensitive to fluorescent lighting. It hurts my eyes, May. You should know this." He said, smiling ever so slightly. "I didn't know that, Abeoji." I replied.

"Well, you should've by now. Haha." Abeoji said. He looked at Dad, then back to me. "I just realized," He said, clearing his throat, "You and your father look nothing alike." I glanced at Dad. He's right. I thought. "You're right about that, Abeoji." I replied, looking at the ceiling. My eyes darted back and forth. Shadow here, shadow there. I thought. "So, May, I have a couple questions to ask you about American trends." Oh, dear Lord here we go. "What is that dance that American teens do? The thrusting one?" Abeoji began to demonstrate. I began to do it with him. "Do you know which song it came from?" He asked. I shook my head. Dad walked in. "Hi, Dad." I said. "Hi, Jasper." Gackt echoed. "Oh, my God. Are you two seriously doing that stupid thrusting dance?" Dad asked. I nodded. "Care to join us?" Abeoji asked. Dad began to do the dance too. "I bet I can go faster than you, Dad." I teased. I began to go faster. "You sure about that?" He asked. He also began to go faster. Abeoji stopped. Dad stopped. I kept going. "C'mon, I know you two can do better than that." I stopped.

I took a breath. I heard a knock at the door. I heard the familiar voice, "Helloooooo?" I ran to the door. I opened it slowly, hoping it wasn't Hana. It was Gakuko and Kaicho. "Hi, Gakuko! Hi, Kaicho!" I said, cheerfully. "Hey, May! What's-" "What's up, May?" Gakuko asked. Kaicho turned and glared at Gakuko. "I was gonna ask that!" Kaicho yelled. Gakuko glared. "May's MY friend!" She screamed. Gackt walked up, "Will you two stop screaming in the street?!" He yelled. Kaicho began to cry. "Oh, good job, Gakuto!" Gakuko yelled. Gackt and Gakuko began to argue in Japanese. I wrapped my arms around Kaicho and put one hand on his ear and let him bury his face into my chest. I began petting his hair. I never thought it was this curly. I giggled. "I never knew your hair was this curly, Kaicho." Gakuko looked over. "Kaicho. Kaicho! KAICHO!" She yelled. "Don't yell at him!" Gackt yelled back. They began arguing again. "My God you two!" I screamed. They stopped and looked over. "Stop it! Kaicho's crying over here and you two are acting like Hiromi and Lui!" Kaicho picked his head up. "May," He whispered. I stopped to take a breath. "Yes, Kaicho?" I whispered back. "I have to tell you something, inside," He continued. I walked inside with Kaicho. "What's up?" I asked. He looked up, tears flowing. I made sure Dad was out of earshot. "My dad's been drinking again. He hit me last night." Kaicho pulled up his sleeves. There were multiple cuts and scars, from previous cuts.

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