Chapter 1

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Dedicated to: Gackt

Chapter 1

'Name: May White.' Easy. 'Age: Don't know anymore.' I wrote in my brand new journal with spiral binding. I put my pen down and started cracking my knuckles. I stood up from my chair and did some squats. Getting 'pumped', Dad calls it. My mom and dad moved themselves and I to Japan for their jobs. Mom is a wedding planner, while my Dad does the weirdest thing I've heard of, he shreds old newspapers and tabloids. I looked through my box of office supplies. Paper, paper, and more paper. Ah! Found it! My trusty and reliable flower pen! I thought.

My flower pen is wrapped in green duct tape, with a fake sakura on top, from Hiromi, my classmate, before I moved here, of course. "May!" "What?" "Come down here to meet our new neighbor!" "I will! Give me two seconds!" "One, two. Ok, May, that's two! Get down here!" "I was being sarcastic!" "I know!" Dad said. I huffed and stomped downstairs while mumbling, " 'Go to Japan', they said. 'It'll be good', they said." I stopped halfway down to see someone I've heard Hiromi talk about. Just gotta remember his name. Gack... Gackpoid, no... Um, he played Yoshi from Bunraku... oh! Gackt! Yeah! Him! I thought.

"Hello, are you May?" He asked. I crossed my arms and tilted one of my hips and gave him 'The Look', Hiromi called it. "Yeah. What's it to you?" "May! Don't be rude! Especially to a celebrity of such a high class as Gackt! Mr. Camui, I'm so very sorry about her, she's just a little upset because we moved- MAY! Stop being so childish! Jasper, don't encourage her!" Mom yelled as I imitated her while Dad cracked up and burst out laughing behind her. Mom turned and clasped her hands together and smiled nervously. "So, would you like to stay for dinner?" Mom asked sheepishly. "Maybe... some other time. Sounds, and looks, like you need to get settled first." Mr. Camui said, slowly backing out the door and shutting it behind him.

"Good going, Lapis, good going." Dad said, crossing his arms and leaning on the doorway. "I can't believe you two! You scared Gackt away!" "Did not." "I plead the fifth." I replied. "Yeah, yeah, plead the fifth." Mom retorted. She stomped past me and into her room. Dad tossed me a coin bag of 1692.24 yen. "Dad," I hiss-whispered. "This is 15 dollars!" "Exactly. Go out and do stuff. Be a kid." He said. "Ok." I said, throwing my platform shoes on. I walked to the door and opened it. Perfect. Nice and warm. I thought to myself. I winked at Dad then walked out. I closed the door behind me. A blast of warm air hit my face and spread to my brown hair.

"Hmmm, I wonder what Mr. Camui is doing." I said to myself. I walked by his apartment building. I knocked on the door. "Mr. Camui... It's me. May! I'm sorry if I was rude to you..." I waited. Five seconds passed. I looked at my watch. "Mr. Camui... are you there?" I asked. Nothing. I kept walking by his house. That was rude of him not to answer the door. I thought. I saw a store I've been to before I moved. "This place!" I said, running across the street to go in. I walked in, looking at the stuff I usually buy from there. "Oooh! Love these!" I said, picking up a pair of platforms with a red chrome vinyl heel.

The girl standing across from me said in broken English, "You wear those? You like them?" "Yup! I'm wearing the same style, but they're silver heels!" I showed the girl my shoes. "Pretty!" She said. She showed me her shoes, same style, but blue chrome vinyl heels. I brought the shoes up to the register. "15 dollars, please." I handed the lady my coin bag. She took the coins out and handed me the shoes, in a shopping bag, and my coin bag back. "Have a nice day." She said. The girl I talked to ran up to me. "My name is Kimi. Yours?" "May. May White." "Where do you live, May?" I pointed diagonally to my house. "You live next to Gackt?" "Yup! He didn't answer his door, though."

"Lucky! I gotta go, May. Bye-bye!" Kimi ran off. I walked back across the street, humming. Dad was standing outside. "What'd ya get, kid?" "New shoes!" "Nice! Your mom's inside with Gackt. Talking about you, I guess." I gave Dad a look. "I know. Surprising, isn't it?" He said, giving me the look back. We both rolled our eyes, then giggled. I opened the door, holding it for Dad. "And then May go- Oh! Jasper! May!" Mom turned in her chair. "Talking about me to Gackt, huh, Ma?" I crossed my arms and leaned against the doorway. "Ok. Fine! I was talking to Gackt about you... I'm sorry." "Ok, this is awkward. Thank you, White-san, for inviting me into your lovely house. I hope to speak again soon." Gackt stood up and began to walk out. He winked at me. I winked back. Gackt closed the door.

"Such a classy man!" "Hey... I thought I was classy!" "Jasper, honey, I love you, but... you're not classy." "Awww, man... I wanna be classy." "Have Gackt give you lessons, then, Jasper." Dad's eyes lit up. He ran upstairs. I followed, new shoes in hand. I went into my room. I threw my shoes on the bed and ran to my journal. I grabbed my pen and wrote down for today, 'Met Gackt, and made a new friend. Will talk about them tomorrow.' I closed my journal, ran to my bed, and jumped onto it. I turned my light off and took my shoes off. I put a blanket on and closed my eyes. I drifted into a deep slumber.   

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