How love works

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How does love works? It works when both people show affection for each other. It works when both sacrifices for each other and doesn't make sacrifices that will hurt them tremendously. It also works when you're with someone through the good and bad times. Spending time with each other while balancing time for yourselves.There is many things  that can define love and how it works. But there are things that doesn't work with love. Love can't work when its one sided all the time. It will not work if you constantly criticises the other person so much even if they know they are trying their best. Love will never work if you take the other for granted. It will absolutely not work if you abuse the person in any type of the ways you can abuse somebody. It won't work if you are with someone for the wrong reasons It won't work if you are too clingy and smothering. So take this with you if you ever have questions about how love works. And may it help you in your future and present.

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