What if everyone was psychic?

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What if everyone one in the world was psychic? Would be easier to know what is going to happen and when its going to happen? And to know how its going to happen? And not just in your own life but in others too? I think that would amazing and more efficient if everyone in the world was psychic. Why? Because if everyone in the world was psychic then it will make it easier to prevent bad things from happening.Also it will help us know that if the possibility of the actually falling in love that you care about is even real or not. Being psychic can tell if your dreams are going to fail or be successful in what you want to do. It will also tell you what you when you, your friends or loved ones are going to die. The possibilities are endless. So what do you think? What will the world be like if everyone was psychic? Would you enjoy it? What are your reasons why? Comment your opinions.

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