Chapter four

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Two weeks later

Skye's POV

I couldn't sleep.I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Chase was dating my bully.Everyone was asleep,and I decided to do something that I have never thought of doing before.I'm running away.

I couldn't deal with the pain of liking my bullys boyfriend.I walked out of my pup house making sure nobody was awake.I wrote a note to the paw patrol and then left it next to Ryder.

I left,putting up my uniform,knowing that I'm gonna be a stray helpless pup in the middle of the woods.

The next day

Chases POV

I woke up as usual before everyone else,but this was different.Ryder was still sleeping,so I tried to go back to sleep.I rolled over and closed my eyes.Something didnt feel right,but I dont know what.

So I decided to look around and maybe understand whats going on.I went in the lookout and saw a piece of paper next to Ryder who was sound asleep on a beanbag.I looked at the paper curious and saw that it was a note from Skye and I saw her uniform and pup tag next to it.I read it.

Dear Ryder,

I have had an amazing time in the paw patrol,and I have felt so happy and free....but lately I just feel like I'm in the way and that I no longer have a perpous for the paw I have left.You may not see me alive either as I am going to kill myself.Chase is happy,with someone that has been bullying me for the past month,but then again maybe there was a reason why she hated me so much.So I felt like leaving would just make everyone in a better place and the world would be much less hectic.Chase if your reading this.....I'm sorry that I had to admit to you,im sorry that I couldnt be good enough for you.Just like Madison said,im just a piece of paper in the middle of the highway just waiting to get ran over.I love you Chase,and I hope that your happy....I could have never made you so cheerful.

Forever gone~Skye:'(

I was in tears.This was my fault,all my fault!!!"RYDER!"I choked out.Ryder jumped up awake and looked at me concerned."Ch-Chase,what is going on?"I couldn't talk,so I just gave him the note.

He read it and his eyes widened."We need to find her now!Pups,to the lookout!"Ryder said.

Everyone went to the Elevator.Marshall tripped and fell in.Rocky rolled his eyes."You clumsy mutt!"Rocky said."Ha,Rocky I guess your eyeballs are rocks too,they roll everywhere."Marshall said.Everyone laughed,but I didnt."Where is Skye?"Rubble asked.

I cried harder.The Elevator went up and we jumped out."P-paw p-patrol ready for a-action R-Ryder sir..."I choked out.

"Well...except for Skye,where is she?"Everest asked.I choked on my tears."Pups,Skye ran away due to a recent situation.Chase,I need you and your spy gear to find clues and track her down."Ryder said.

I held in the rest of my tears."Ch-Chase is on the case!"I said."Tracker,I need you and your ears to listen out and find Skye."Ryder said."I'm all ears!"He said."Paw patrol is on a roll!"

Skye's POV

I was walking in the woods looking for a way to end everything.

(Skye started singing this)

I found a road,a busy road,and there was cars zooming by non stop.I heard a bunch of wolves,chasing after me.I didnt run though.This was my perfect death.

They started attacking,and I yelped and screamed.

Chases POV

"Tracker do you hear anything??"I ask hopeful.He adjusted his ears listening for clues."Oi,I here yelping and screaming.And it sounds like stopped."Tracker said."Wait,it suddenly stopped?Which way did you hear it???"I ask.

He pointed near the woods.I rush and get my drone.I found her minutes later,passed out and covered in scratches and wolf bites."FOLLOW ME!!!"I rushed near the drone after puting on its alarm sounds.We followed the noise.

(Chase sung this in his head)

Ryder called Marshall after arriving and Marshall came."Oh my gosh,these look like wolf attacks."Marshall said.He healed Skye and she woke up.

"Ch-Chase?"She stuttered.I broke down crying and hugged her."I'm so sorry."I said.

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