Chapter one

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Skye's POV

I was in my pup house while the other pups were playing ball with Ryder.I was watching them play,and I was watching one certain pup.Chase.I have had a huge crush on chase since we met.

We're best friends,and I honestly wish we were more then that.I can't confess to him though,its too risky.

Everest's POV

"Skye......SkYe.......SKYE!!!!"I kept screaming Skye's name trying to get her attention,but all she was doing was staring at Chase.
"Huh??"Skye said snapping out of her thoughts.I roll my eyes.

"Why don't you come and play with us?"I ask."I'm good,I'm kinda tired today."She replied.I face palm.I knew she was lying.I knew she was just out of the game to watch Chase.Creepy,I know.

"What?!"Skye asked confused."Skye I know you'r lying.I saw you staring at Chase."I said.I saw a tint of pink appear on her face.Of course she knew,so she looked down smiling.

"Skye,you can't just sit here.You have to confess sooner or later."I point out."I would much rather it be later."Skye said stubbornly.

I sigh." about this.I will give you today and tomorrow,but Tuesday morning you have to confess if you haven't already."I said."And what are you gonna do if I don't?"She asked."Oh me?I'll tell him you like him myself!"I answered.

"NO!If anyone tells him I think it should be me!"Skye said."Okay then.You have until Tuesday."I said.I walk off.

Skye's POV

I sigh in defeat.Everyone knows that Everest never goes back on her plans.So I will have no choice but to do this.But what am I gonna do?!

"Hey Skye"I hear someone say snapping me out of my thoughts again.I look up to see Chase."Oh hey Chase."I say."Um,you seem like you'r not too intrested in the game today.Is everything okay?"Chase asked."Yea I'm fine,I'm just a bit tired thats all."I lie once again.

"Oh okay then.Well I know one thing that you would never turn down."He said with a smirk.I stand up and wag my tail."And whats that?"I ask."Do you wanna play pup pup boogie with me?"He asked."Sure!"I answer.

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