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'Jeonghan!! I like you. Can you go out with me'
I smiled while i was looking at them. But why i felt like my heart hurt.

•One week ago•
'I broke up with my boyfriend' SinB said with a simple face. I saw her and her boyfriend fought for too many time, but nothing happend. This time maybe it was a big fought.
'SinB , cheer up. He doesn't deserve you.' Han was sitting with us inside a cafe. He tried to cheer SinB up.
'YES !! He doesn't deserve you. Serve his right. He lose someone who is so loveable like you'
'Thank you, we didn't mean to be. I'm okay' she smiled .
'sinB -ah , you are pretty and smart. Just forget him. You deserve someone better who can treat you better than he do. ' han was holding her hand tightly while he was talking. Did he like SinB? Seem like he care about her. They both also look good togethere .
'Yes SinB, find someone who is better than him '
if he like sinB, they will become a good couple. They suited each other well. It will be a good timing if heebum hit on her. Am i right?
After we left the cafe, heebum was walking with me back home.
'What do you think about SinB?' I glanced at him.
'SinB? She is cute, pretty, smart and also kind. ' he replied
' Do you like her?'
'why not? Who will not like her? ' he smiled.
'Ohh' i nodded.
maybe it will be better if heebum make a move since he also liked hara.
'Why are you asking me?'
'Because you and sinB look good togethere. I think you two should date each other '
'Stupid' he flicked my forhead'
'WHY--' I yelled at him.
'I like sinB as friend, stupid girl. I said i like her, it doesn't i want to date her' 'okay okay sorry' i pouted.
He chuckled then we keep walking till i reached home.
After i left cafe alone, i stopped by park . I smiled at frist, but then my tear dropped. I hate myself that i still think about him. i didn't know what to do. I keep wiping my tear the fell down, but at that time i heared someone voice.
I tried to wiped my tear away,so he wouldn't see that tear.
'Are you crying?' He hold my face with his big warm hands.
'N-no' i closed my eyes and shaked my head.
'Don't cry' he wipped my tear with his thump and gave me a hug.
'Jeonghan!!' I cried out loud. I felt my heart hurt.
'I'm here'
'Why did he leave me? ?' I keep crying like an idoit.
'Let him go ' he rubbed my back while i was crying inside his embrace. I cried again and again ,until 30 min later i stopped. He sitted beside me then looked at me.
'Feeling better now?'
I nodded.
'Good, but the weather is cold now. ' he took off his jacket at put it on my body .
'You will get cold' he smiled and looked at me .
Suddenly he made my heart felt warm. My ex never did that for me. He made my heart felt hurtless.
'Thank you han' i smiled at him.
'Youv welcome. '
since that day i felt like i liked han more and more. His kindness, his care, everything about him suddenly attracted my heart. I liked him from day to day. I think i'm in love with him.
What if i confess to him, will he okay with that?
i keep thinking about that. Until today i told jeongyeon about it.
'I think......... i like heebum'
'Wow! !! REALLY'
'Yes, but is she like me back?'
'Ofc he is , he do like you. I'm sure '
' really?'
Jeongyeon gave me hope that han will like me back, but i'm still scare.
'SinB-ah listen to me, don't be scare. You and him look good togethere. You should tell him how you feel. There nothing wrong'
'Hmm' i took a long breath then i went to met han. I dragged him outside
'What's wrong?'
'I have something to tell you'
'Han, i like you , can you go out with me? ' i closed my eyes than i looked down.
'It's okay if you say no. I just want to tell you how i feel about you. I really like you '
he didn't say anything. Maybe i will reject it.
'Hmm , are you sure?'
'Yes sure' i looked up at him with a serious face.
'But i'm not sure yet '
' We can just hang out at learn more about each other'
'Fine okay' he smiled and smiled back. Our relationship start since that day. I will take care of this relationship.

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